wordki.pl - nauka słówek
law unit 2a
autor: wojciechg
accrueto grow or accumulate
arrearsmoney that someone promised to pay it back but didn't
authorizeto give offical permission for smth to happen
an automated paymenta payment that your bank will make every week for example
an applicanta person who wants to ask for bank account or job
balanceamount of money that you have got in your bank account
to depositto put it into a bank account
current accounta bank account that you can use at any time
issueto give a cheque to someone and you validate it by signing it
overdraftprzekroczenie stanu konta
a billa demand for payment for goods
a feepayment that you have to make to professional person to do sth for you
withdrawto take money out of bank account
transfermove cash from one bank account to another
eligiblehaving the necessary qualities or satisfying the necessary conditions
bank chargespayments that you have to make to the bank for using bank account
bank statementdocument that your bank sends to you
straightforwardsimple and easy to understand
to validate somethingto make sth legally acceptable
creditamount of money paid into a bank account (n)
debitmoney taken out of a bank account (n)
incomeall the money that yor receive
outgoingsall of the money you spend
lendyou give money to someone else for a period of time
borrowyou take sth from someone else for a period of time
oweto have pay money to someone else
debtgeneral word that you owe to someone else
branch of a banklocal office or bureau of your bank
loanan amount of money thaty you borrow from the bank
print off your balancepiece of paper showing money on your account
interestmoney which is charged by a bank or other financial organization for borrowing money
savings accountkonto oszczednosciowe
defaulted on loansfailed to pay debt
identity thefta form of fraud or cheating of another person's identity in which someone pretends to be someone els
receiptspace of paper that proves that you have paid for sth with your card