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Phrasal Verbs -> Matura! Ang->Ang
autorzy: dyzio, ...
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do with sthpotrzebować lub chcieć coś
to come out wellbyć fotogenicznym
to hold with sthzgadzać się z czymś, aprobować coś
to catch sb outodkryć kogoś, że coś robi źle
to (be) cut out to be sb/ for sthmieć odpowiednie cechy do pracy, zadania
to (get) carried awayto get to excited to control oneself
to be in forexpect sth, usually bad
to be overskończyć
to be taken abackbyć kompletnie zaskoczonym
to be up to sbto be left for sb to decide
to be worn outbyć bardzo zmęczonym
to break downprzestać pracować odpowiednio
to break down sthto organise figures, number, data
to break inenter by force or illegally
to break in on sthprzerwać
to break intoto enter a house, bank etc. without permission
to break outof war, disease - to begin (suddenly)
to break through in sthto discover sth imporant
to break up (with sb)to terminate a relationship
to break up forfor a period of time (stop for holidays)
to bring down sbto topple sb (cause to fall)
to bring in sthto be source of income or profit
to bring on sth/to bring sth onto cause sth unpleasant or dangerous
to bring sb roundto help sb regain consciousness
to bring sb round to sthto persuade sb to accept an idea
to bring sth aboutto cause
to bring sth outto produce, to make visible, put on the market
to bring sth upto suggest a subject for discussion
to bring upsb upto raise
to call for sthto deserve
to call sb into ask sb to help to deal with a difficult situation
to call on sb/sthto demand
to call sth offodwołać skońćzyć
to call sth/sb upto show data on a pc screen, to order to join the army or football team ;]
to carry on with sthciągnąć dalej, kontynuować
to carry out sthprzeprowadzać
to carry sth offto succeed in sth, to complete sth well
to carry sth throughpokonywać trudności
to catch onzdobyć popularność
to catch up with sth/sb to come across sthznaleźć
to come by sthto acquire
to come offmedicine - to stop taking it
to come off(of stains) to disappear
to come outopublikować (książkę)
to come up aganistto encounter, esp problems
to come up to (sb's expectations)to meet sb's expectations
to come up withto produce an answer or an idea
to cut down onredukować
to cut inprzerwać rozmowę
to cut in on sbto place one's car in front of another car abruptly
to cut off sthto stop supplying, e.g. gas, electricity
to cut sth out from sthto delete, e.g. a passage from a book
to cut up sthto divide into smaller parts
to dawn on sbto make sb realize sth, to make sb aware of sth
to do away withto aolish, to get rid of
to do sb downtraktować kogoś nieuczciwie, oszukiwać kogoś
to do up sthnaprawić albo wyczyścić
to do withoutto manage without sth or sb
to draw sb outto encourage a shy person to be more confident
to draw upof cars - to arrive somewhere and stop
to fall apartto break into pieces
to fall back onto use sth in times of difficulty if there is no other choice
to fall behindnot to do sth by a particular time
to fall for sbto fall in love with sb
to fall for sthto be deceived by sth
to fall into collapse
to fall in with sthto match, to correspond with sth, to agree with sth
to fall intoa category - to belong to it
to fall on/upon sbzaatakować kogos
to fall out with sbto have an argument with sb and stop being on friendly terms
to fall thoughof plans - to fail
to get along with sbmiec z kimś doby kontakt
to get at sthto express an idea indirectly, mean
to get away with sthnot to be punished severely for a crime or sth wrong
to get down to sthto begin dealing with sth seriously
to get onwell - to deal with sth succesfully
to get over sthto manage with sth unpleasant or sad succesfully, to overcome
to get round to sthto do sth that sb has intended to do for a long time
to get sb downpogrążyć kogoś w depresji
to get sth across to sbto communicate an idea to sb
to get through to sbto manage to get in touch with sb, esp on the phone
to get upobudzić się i wyjść z łóżka
to give awaypowiedzieć komuś sekret
to give into accept the fact that one has been defeated, to surrender, to yield
to give offemitować albo produkować, zapach, ciepło albo światło
to give outof supplies - to finish
to go (come) down with sthto develop a disease, to become ill, usually not seriously
to go afterto chase
to go aheadto start to do sth
to go back on sthto fail to keep one's promise
to go in for sthto enter a competition
to go offof a bomb - to explode, of a clock - to begin alarm, of food - to become unsuitable to eat (too old)
to go over sthto rehearse
to go through sthto examine sth closely
to go withto match sth, e.g. in colour,design etc
to hold backnot to alllow oneself to show feelings, emotions
to hold outhope - to believe that sth will happen
to hold outto continue to defend
to hold upto delay, to attack
to keep offnot to enter an area
to keep sb outnot to let sth/sb enter a place, not to let sth/sb in
to keep up sthto continue working and practicing so as to maintain good results
to keep up with sthto follow and understand sth that changes fast
to lay down sthto state rules
to lay outto make an article of clothing wider
to let outto make sth known
to let sb downto disappoint sb by failing to do what one promised to do or was expected to do
to let sb ofnot to punish sb severely or not to punish them at all
to let sth downto make an article of clothing longer
to look after sbto take care of sb
to look back on sthto think about events that took place in th past
to look down on sbto think that sb else is less important or worse
to look forward to sthto be impatient and eager to do sth, meet sb, go somewhere
to look into sthto investigate
to look out forto be careful when looking at various things and select or notice the one that is needed
to look sth upto check the meaning, e.g. in dictionary
to look upto improve
to look up to sbto think that sb is important and deserves respect
to make for sthto move towards sth
to make sth outa cheque, an application - to fill in an oficial document with all the necessary details
to make sth outto see or hear sth with difficulty
to make sth over to sbto transfer sth to sb so that they become official owners
to make upone's mind - to finally decide on sth
to make upto finish the argument and get back on friendly terms
to make up for sthto compensate, to do sth good to make a bad situation better
to make up sthto constitute, to form
to make upto invent sth, to say or write sth that is not true
to pass awayto die
to pass oneself off asto pretend to be sb else so as to avoid being recognised
to pass outto lose consciousness
to pass sth down to sbto give sth to A so that they have it after B dies
to pay sb offto give some money to a business partner so that you can be the only owner of the business
to pay sb backto return money that sb borrowed from sb else
to play upof a machine - not to operate properly, of a child not to behave properly
to pride oneself on?????????????????????
to pull oneself togetherto stop being upset and begi to behave reasonably
to pull overto stop the car on the side of the road
to pull sth downto demolish a building that is no longr used or wanted
to pull sth offto deal with sth succesfully
to put A down to Bto say that B caused A
to put byto save
to put forwardto propose
to put inwork - to contribute work
to put outfire - to extinguish it
to put sb offto discourage sb
to put sb upto offer accommodation to sb
to put sth offto postpone, to move a later date
to put up with sthto tolerate
to read up on sthto investigate or explore a subject by reading about it
to run downto stop operating because sth does not have enough power
to run ina car - to drive a new car slowly so as not to damage the engine
to run into sbto meet sb unexpectedly
to run out ofto use all of sth and have none left
to run sb downto criticise sb, esp. unfairly
to run sb over<przejechać kogoś ;]>
to run updebts - to keep borrowing money until one is unable to pay the money back
to see sb offto go with sb to a railway station, airport etc, say goodbye and see them leave
to see sb outto go with sb to the door when they are leaving a place
to see through sbto realise that sb is not as good or honest as they claim to be
to set out/offto begin a journey
to set something asideto save sth
to set sth backto make more difficult or slow it down
to set upto establish
to sit in onto observe sth
to stand byof soldiers - to be ready to move into action
to stand byto support sb, offer help in need
to stand forof abbreviations - to represent a full name, of people - to support specific ideas
to stand in for sbto replace sb for a short period of time
to stand outto be better than other members of the goup
o stand sb upto disappoint sb by not coming to a date on purpose
to stand up for sthto defend specific ideas
to stand up toto be able to resist sb
to take after sbto look similar and behave to older members of the family
to take offof a plane to leave the ground and begin to fly
to take overto become the owner of sth that belonged to sb else
to take sb into deceive sb
to take sb into offer accommodation, usually for payment
to take sb onzatrudnić kogoś
to take sth backto admit what one said was wrong
to take sth downto write sth down
to take sth into make an article of clothing narrower
to take sth onzaakceptować
to take to sthzacząć robić coś źle z przyzwyczajenia
to take up sthzacząć robić coś dobrze z przyzwyczajenia
to tune inwłączyć radio albo telewizor i wybrać program
to turn awayto refuse to let sb enter the place
to turn downto reject
to turn inpójść spać
to turn out sthprodukować
to turn sb outto force sb out of the place where they live
to turn upprzyjechać zobaczyć się na święta
to walk out onto abandon sb, to leave sb
to wear offto disappear gradually
to work outto find a solution to a problem or a way of dealing with a sitiuation
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