wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wcbh 4-6
autor: zaana
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the green lightpermission to start or continue sth
drivea strong desire for success
a chunka large piece of sth
an accomplishmentsth done, achieved successfully
consentpermission for sth to happen or be done
majorvery important
inpenetrableimpossible to pass or see through
every now and thensometimes but not often
hecticvery busy and filled with activity
scarcevery small in amount or number
riggedarranged in a dishonest way in order to get desired result
of latelately, recently
offensivecausing sb to feel hurt, angry or upset
devastatingcausing extreme emotional pain
domestic(of an animal) living with people
thoroughlywith careful attention to detail
indigenousproduced, living or existing naturally in particular region or enviroment
sturdystrongly made
flexiblewilling to change or to try different things; easily changed
to grapple with sthto deal with a problem
to embark on sthto begin sth that will take a long time or happen for a long time
to sink inwryć się w pamięć
to strayto go in a direction that is away from a group or from the place where u should be
to reassure sbto make sb feel less afraid, upset or doubtful
to let onto tell, admit or show that u know sth
to congratulate sb on sthto tell sb that u are happy because of his or her success or good luck
to put sth behind sbto stop worrying about or being upset by sth that happened in the past
to perishto die or be killed
to jeopardizeto put sth or sb in danger
to deteriorateto become worse as time passes
to dropto stop doing or continuing with sth
to nagto criticize or complain often in an annoying way
to dabble in sthto take part in an activity in a way that's not serious (zajmować się amatorsko)
to consoleto try to make sb feel less sadness or disappointment
to restoreto put or bring sth back into existence or use
to notify sb on sthto tell sb officially about sth
to featureto have or include sb or sth as an important part
to pass awayto die (used as a polite way to avoid saying the word 'die')
to put sth down to sthto say or think that sth happened because of sth
to ambushto attack sb or sth by suprise from hidden place
to chuckto throw or toss sth
to swayto influence sb so that they change their opinion
to set asideto keep or save sth for a particular purpose
to reckon(informal) to think or suppose
to look back on sthto think about sth in the past
on the outskirtsin the suburbs
to go out of your wayto try very hard to do sth, especially for sb else
to hit hometo cause u fully realize how unpleasent or difficult sth is
out of the blueif sth happens ________ it is completely unexpected
to drop the topic/subjectto stop talking or thinking about (sth)
to have a change of heartto change way u feel or think about sth
to take sth by stormto quickly become very successful or popular in a particular place or among a particular group
to cut the chaseto go directly to the important points of a story, argument, etc
to put in a good word for sbto say positive things about sb
to put sth on holdto delay sth for some time
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