wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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we can be heroes 4-6
autor: magda13
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green lightpermission to start or continue sth
drivestrong desire for sth
accomplishmentsth done successfully
consentpermission for sth
majorvery important
impenetrableimpossible to pass or see through
every now and thensometimes, not often
hecticvery busy
scarcevery small in number
of latelately, recently
offensivecausing sb to feel hurt, angry, upset...
devastatingcausing extreme emotional pain
domesticliving with people
thoroughlyvery careful attention to detail
indigenuousproduced, living naturalli in a region or environment
sturdystrongly made
flexiblewilling to change or try different things
grapple with sthto deal with a problem
embark on sthto begin sth that will take a long time
stink inbecome clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions, pass through
straygo in a direction that is away from a group/place where you should be
reassuremake sb feel less afraid, upset
let ontell, admitt, show that you know sth
congratulate sb on sthpogratulować
put sth behind sbstop worrying
perishdie or be killed
jeopardizeput sth/sb in denger
deterioratebecome worse as time passes
dropstop doing sth
nagcriticize in annoying way
drabble in sthtake part in an activity in not serious way
consoletry to make sb feel less sad
restoreput sth back into use
notifytell sb offically sth
featureinclude sb/sth as an important part
pass awaydie <polite>
put sth down to sthsay/think that sth happened because of sth
ambushattack sb,syh by surprice from hidden place
chuckthrow/toss sth
swayinfluence sb so that they change opinion
set asidekeep/save sth for parcicular purpose
reckonthink or suppose
look back onthink about sth in the past
on the outskirtssuburbs
go out of your waytry hard to do sth for sb else
hit homecause you to fully realize how unpleasant or difficult something is;
out of the bluesomething happens completely unexpected
drop the topicstop talking or thinking about
have a change of heartto change the way you feel or think about something
take sth by stormquickly become very successful or popular in a particular place or among a particular group
put sth on holddelay something for some time
cut to the chasego directly to the important points of a story
put in a good word for sbto say positive things about someone
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