wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 1
autor: tysiek
to gambol aroundto jump, skip playfully
titbita small piece of information or food
to administerto handout or give formally, provide
to marvel at sbto admire greatly
marvelsth extraordinary, miracle
to perform marvelsto be very good at sth
subject-mattermain content (tematyka)
tatteredragged (obszarpany)
look-outa place from which you can observe sth
shooting starsfalling stars
mundaneroutine, boring, typical things
to commissionto ask sb to do sth for you for money (zlecić)
to profferto offer
staplechief element, main ingredient
mementoa thing that reminds of sth
strands of hairlocks
untimely deathsb dies too soon
shed light on sthexplain
proponenta person who supports e.g. a theory
benchmarkstandard example, a point of reference for making comparisons
to inferto imply, conclude
embrace the ideato agree unquestionally
a popeach
skewmisrepresent, twist
professor emeritusretired but keeping his title
to incorporateto include
to have an itch for sthto have a strong desire
sultrybeautiful and sexual attractive person
to freak outto make sb behave abnormally
tee-heeto giggle, laugh, snigger
indeterminateindefinate, not fixed
to donto put on
weatherproofresists all kinds of weather
to mistreatto treat in a bad way
beaua male friend or a lover
hairdothe way your hair is done
mouldercrumble to dust (zgnić, spróchnieć)
robuststrong and healthy
outlookprospect for the future
murkynot clear, usually gloomy (mroczny)
penchant forinclination, tendency
cup of joemilitary slang for coffee
to trollto fish with a rod/ to patrol around/ to wonder
to swigto take a drink in large gulps
to flag down a taxito stop a taxi
flag-stopa bus stop on demand
flagginggetting exhausted or weakening
fadtemporary fashion
to toutto make people buy sth in an annoying way
ticket touta person which sells tickets in a higher price
to pave the way for sthto prepare the grounds for futher development
to upscaleto improve, upgrade
to waneto loose power or importance/ to become weaker