wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 3
autor: tysiek
horrificcausing horror
going-onunusual or surprising event
to sway public opinionto influence public opinion
impartialneutral/ fair
to get a move onto hurry up
livestockanimals kept together for profits
to spearheadto lead (an attack, a campaign)
driveenergy and determination/ organised campaign to achieve sth
to reach a plateauto reach a state of little (or no) development
glimmer of hopesmall sign of hope
pursuitchase/ try to achieve sth
to overlookto fail to notice
disparitysmall difference
cohorta number of people bounded to get up
ployan action to win advantage over your opponents
bout of sthshort period of specified activity
vigilantwatchful, alert
candy flippingtrying some illegal substances
a watershed in stha turning point
forethoughtthinking or planning out in advance
dexterityskills in using his hands
dexterousskilled in using his hands
tranquilcalm, peaceful
to flutterto make quickly irregular movements (trzepotać)
renownedfamous and distinguished
incongruousout of place, out of harmony
to accommodateto take care of/ to make sb comfortable
to be on a par with sth/sbto be as good as sth/sb
to phase into introduce gradually
to phase outto withdraw gradually
to inciteto make sb excited/ to make sb do sth (podburzać)
to make allowances for sthto take sth into account while doing sth
to trigger (up?)to cause, start
to walk out on sbto stop dating sb