wordki.pl - nauka słówek
law of contract
autor: wojciechg
acceptancethe act of agreeing to an offer, plan or invitation
benfita helpful or good effect
binding onwiazacy dla
body of lawsa collection of laws. all of them together
breachto break
capacitythe ability to do a particular thing
comply withsth follow law correctly
consentpermission or agreement
consequential losssth that you suffer as an indirect result of the breach of contract
contract under sealspecial contract that is legal even though one of the parties has not provided consideration
contrary toagainst sth
coverto deal with or include sth
deedcontract under seal
defectivefaulty - not working correctly
detrimentharm or damage
direct losssth that you suffer as a direct result of breach of contract
dischargedwhen contract comes to the end
discloseto make something known publicly
disputean argument or disagreement
dutyobligation to do sth
enitrewhole or complete
forbidto refuse to allow something
general electionwybory powszechne