wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 4
autor: tysiek
idlelazy/ meanless
to fidgetto make restless movements
jokeyamusing or ridiculous
drollamusing in an odd way
tediouscausing tiredness, because of being boring
rambleto wander/ not to keep the main point
ramblingnot keeping to the main point
to shadeto darken sth
explicitclear and fully expressed
to cream sbto defeat sb
to daydreamnot to concentrate
to expendto spend/ to use
to expandto make sth larger
to twirlto spin quickly and lightly
to admonishto give a warning/ to urge
to policeto control
scrutinycareful examination
wherebyby means of this
to difuseto spread all around
to appeaseto make sb satisfied
to mollifyto make sth less intensive
to reconcile to sthto agree with sth that is unpleasant
to reconcile with sbto restore a friendship
incipientearly stages
free of chargeyou don't have to pay for it
to gain groundto become popular
to become fouledto become dirty
to squanderto waste
unanimouswith everybody agreement
to this endfor this aim
footagelenght of film made for cinema or tv