wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 5
autor: tysiek
in a host of stha large number of sth
to swayto influence/ to move from one side to another
to deriveto take, receive especially from a specified source
to gear up to sthto prepare for sth
to perpetuateto continue/ to make everlasting
to striveto try really hard
to attainto achieve
to bear sth into mindto remember
to exacerbateto make sth really bad even worse
enchantedgreatly impressed
to implyto suggest
divinationan instance of foretelling the future by supernatural means
frigidformal, unfriendly/ really cold
to flock togetherto gather in great number
a flocka group
burdensth heavy or worrying
to burden sb with sthto make sb deal with sth
goal-orientatedfocused on the goal
boongood thing, benefit
boon companioncheerful friend that you like spending time with
to blaze a new trialto do sth for the first time
out of kilterworking not properly
to take a turn for better/worseto become better/worse
facetaspect of sth
multi-facetedhaving many aspects
know-howpractical knowledge of sth
in the years to comein the following years
boughany of the main branches of a tree
to clench fistto hold tightly
to swoopto come down quickly and suddenly (runąć)
to scornto show contempt (gardzić)
idlyinactively (bezczynnie)
superciliousarogant (wynisły)
to fumbleto move clumsily (grzebać się)
tranquilcalm, peaceful
to starchto make sth stiff (usztywniać)
starchedconventional in manner (sztywny)
forebodingfeeling that sth bad will happen
to malingerto pretend to be ill
evasionan instance of avoiding sth
ordeala painful, difficult experience
to lay sth bareto reveal
to retortto answer in a bad way
retorta riposte
last resortlast possible way to solve the problem
meticuloustaking care of all the details (drobiazgowy)
to gazeto look at sb long and steadily
imminentbound to happen
to avertto turn away, to prevent (zapobiec)
cunningclever in a bad sense (przebiegły)
conceitan instant of showing too much pride of oneself, vanity
to stumbleto strike one's foot and almost fall (potknąć się)
to stumble acrossto find sth useful unexpectedly (natknąć się na coś)
to gropeto search using the sense of feeling (szukać po omacku)
to rustleto produce a quiet sound (szeleścić)
livelihoodincome (utrzymanie)