wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 6
autor: tysiek
to adornto decorate
to poachto hunt animals illegaly
captive breedingtaking care of animals but not in their natural habitat (hodowla)
to beholdto see sth unusual
to be on one's toesto be ready for action
to besetto surround constantly (nękać, okrążać)
unbeknown to sbwithout one's knowledge
to gloat overto feel or express great delight with own succes or one's failure (pastwić się)
huea type of colour (odcień)
to have a narrow escapeto survive luckily
half-heartedwithout enthusiasm
outfita set of clothes usually wear together
out of harm's wayin a safe place
commoneran ordinary person
mereonly and just
fragilelikely to break
leftoverremains from the meal
globally internationallyknown worldwide
differentialshowing or depending on a difference
to stashto store safely to use it later (przechowywać)
to eludeto escape from sth/ not to remember (uchylić się od)
soundlybased on reason (solidnie)
stupendousamazingly large or impressive
to amassto gather
riot of colourextremely colourful and bright
off the beaten trackfar away from the popular places (na uboczu)
to graceto adorn
affluentrich and powerful
gingerlywith great care and attention
to winceto show pain, embarassement on your face
precariousdepending on chance (ryzykowny)
balmygentle, quiet and pleasantly warm
to duckto move head down to avoid being hit
gossipmongersb who spreads information which are not optimistic
warmongersb who is encouraging a country to go to war
doombad situation which cannot be avoided (fatum)
malleableeasily influenced or changeable (podatny na zm)
laid-backcalm and relaxed (niefrasobliwy)
timidshy, easily frightened
to lavishto give generously (szafować)
lavishlygiving generously
conscientiousdoing sth with care and attention (skrupulatny)
to be in fluxto be in situation in which things are changing a lot
laynot belonging to clergy/ lacking of specialistic knowledge
lay theorynot based on knowledge
to shy awayto avoid
irrevocableit cannot be changed (nieodwołalny)
ostensiblyapparently (pozornie)
vengefulwilling to punish sb for harming one's family (mściwy)
to sproutto begin to grow (kiełkować)
to entrenchto fix or to establish sth firmly (obwarować)
incorrigibleit cannot be corrected