wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 7
autor: tysiek
to snuggleto get close to sb for warm or comfort
in the loftat the very top of building
bothersomehard, unpleasant, troublesome
to lugto carry sth with great effort
flippantnot showing required respect or seriousness
to be raring to do sthto be really willing to do sth
to slumberto sleep peacefully
on the spur of the momentwithout considering sth first
landingplace between stairs
overlytoo much/ excessively
phasespecific period of time
to prevail over sbto dominate/ to defeat (przeważać)
to alterto change slightly
alterationsmall change
to convertto change
to live throughto experience difficult or dangerous conditions (przeżyć)
to grabto take
to sipto drink slowly, taking small amount of liquid (sączyć)
to spoonto take sth with spoon
to stirto move liquid round
to peepto take a secret, quick look (zerknąć)
grosstotal/ obvious/ fat/ rude
to wage warto be involved in a war/ to fight against sb
to toppleto be unsteady and fall (przewrócić się)
to totterto waver (chwiać się)
to shoveto push sth quickly/ to make sth collapsed (pchnąć)
custodyan instance of taking care of sth
to remain in custodyto be imprisoned waiting for jail
greasefatty or oily substance
residueremaining part of sth which was used
martyrperson who suffers because of religious beliefs
to propelto make sth move
to bounceto move up and down
to elucidateto make sth clear/ to explain
sequel to sthcontinuation
malignantextremely harmful, mean
to hold in checkto control
to hinge onto depend on
hingemetal thing that holds a door
to imbueto permeate or influence as if by dying (nasycić)
certitudefeeling of certainty
breachan instance of breaking, a gap (wyrwa)
to elaborate on sthto provide more details (opracować coś)
resentmenta feeling of bitterness, anger
posterityfuture generation
backlashviolent reaction
to date back toto originate from
malevolentwishing to do harm
elaboratedcarefully planned, detailed
to juxtaposeto place together to compare or to show contrast between them (zestawić, przeciwstawić)