wordki.pl - nauka słówek
3/c suffering from affluenza
autor: wilma
affluentbogaty, zamożny
sanezdrowy psychicznie, przy zdrowych zmyslach
enviouszazdrosny, zawistny
keep up withdotrzymywać kroku, nadażać za
anxietyniepokój, obawa, lęk
restraintpowściągliwość, ograniczenie
poshnice, exclusive, show off
vicious circlebłędne koło
feed uppodkarmiać, podtuczyć
feed up itself angvicous circle
couchkanapa, leżanka
cogent angloud and clear
fake tansztuczna opalenizna
outwarzewnętrzny, wypływający
preoccupyabsorbować, pochłaniać
preoccupy ang.focused on, you have no other activity
rich ang.affluent, wealthy
posh angnice, show off
budget angthe money that is available to a person or organization
grantsubwencja, stypendium, dotacja, pomoc finansowa
grant angsum of money that is given by the goverment/another organization to be used for a particular purpose
loan angmoney that a bank lends and sb borrows
feesopłaty, składki
fees angamount of money you pay for proffesional advice or service to a lawyer or architect
fareopłata za przejazd
fare angthe money you pay to travel by bus, plane, taxi
charge angthe amount of money sb asks for goods and services
savings angmoany that yo keep in the bank and don't spend
donation angmoney that you give to organization such as a charity in order to help them
fine angsum of money taht must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or a rule
instalment angone of a number of pauments thta are paid regularly until sth has beedn paid for
depositwpłata, depozyt, lokata
will anglegal document that says what is to happen to sb's money and propert after they die
overdraftprzekroczenie stanu konta, debet
overdraftamount of money that you owe to a bank when you have spent more than is in your bank account
lump sumpełna kwota, ryczałt
lump sum angamount of money that is paid at one time and not on separate occasion
tight-fisted angmean
tight-fisted op anggenerous
has more money than sensewiecej pieniedzy niż rozumu
in the redzadłużony
in the red op angin the black
good value for moneyhight quality product, it doesn't cost a lot
spend money like waterwydawać pieniądze jak wodę
live beyond their meansżyć ponad stan
can make ends meetwiązać koniec z końcem