wordki.pl - nauka słówek
słownik angielsko-polski
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
załóż konto
the office
autor: juleczka
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a violationthe act of doing sth that is not allowed by law or rule
a cornerstonesth of basic importance
an inferiora person of law rank or status
a wet blanketa person who makes it difficult for other people to enjoy themselves ny complaining, showing no enth
a beadkoralik
downsizinga reduction in the number of
a solicitora person whose job involves talking to many people and trying to persuade them to buy things
an inconveniencesth that causes trouble or problems
a perpetratorsomeone who has committed a crime
a morale boostersomething that increases the feelings of enthusiasm and loyalty that a person or group has about a t
a lidwieczko
immune systemthe system that protects your body from diseases and infections
a buncha group of people or things that are together or are associated with each other in some way
a connotationan idea or quality that a word makes you think about in addition to its meaning
a go-to guy/personsomeone who is always helpful
a one-night standa situation in which you have sex with someone once and you do not continue in a relationship afterw
a privilegea right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others
a brancha local office of a company or organization
a sequina small piece of shiny metal or plastic that is sewn onto clothes as a decoration
decisivenessthe ability to make choices quickly and confidently
ignorancea lack of knowledge, understanding, or education
confidentialitythe quality or state of being private
a fiancea man that a woman is engaged to be married to
an accomplicea person who works with or helps someone who is doing something wrong or illegal
a fractionułamek
superiora person of high quality, or better than others
hilariousvery funny
vulnerableeasily hurt or harmed
swampedhaving to deal with a very large amount of things or people at the same time
sharpused to refer to an exact time
intolerant ofnot willing to allow or accept something
ASAPas soon as possible
offensiverude or insulting
anonymousmade or done by someone unknown
high-endhigher in price and of better quality than most others
how come(informal) used to ask why something has happened, is true
chummy(informal) very friendly
illuminatinggiving you new information about a subject or making it easier to understand
confidentialsecret or private
to downsizeto make a company smaller and more efficient by reducing the number of workers
to bail on sb(informal) to leave someone when the situation gets difficult
to submitto give (a document, proposal, piece of writing, etc.) to someone so that it can be considered or
to ariseto begin to occur or to exist
to smack sbto slap or hit (someone or something) hard
to thrive on sthto do well in a situation
to come upto occur in usually a sudden or unexpected way
to steer away fromto keep away from someone or something completely
to subscribeto pay money to get a publication or service regularly
to coddle(disapproving) to treat someone with too much care or kindness
to inconvenienceto cause trouble or problems for someone
to indicateto show something
to poketo make a hole in something by pushing something sharp or pointed through or into it
to gambleto risk losing something valuable or important in order to do or achieve something
to bother sbto cause someone to feel troubled
to pierceto make a hole in or through something
to groom sbto prepare someone for a particular job or position
to incorporateto include something as part of something else
to forfeitto lose or give up something as a punishment or because of a rule or law
to be in on sthto have knowledge about something or to be involved in it
to donate to sthto give money, food, clothes, etc. in order to help a person or organization
to butcher sth(informal) to do something very badly : to make a mess of something
to step away fromto leave something
to overlapto lie over the edge of something OR to happen at the same time as something else
to get the axeto be fired from your job OR to be stopped from happening
to set the bar highto establish a high standard
in the wildnot in captivity(niewola) but in the natural habitat
to garner respectto receive respect
at willwhen you want
out of sb's handsused to say that you cannot control something
to flip a coinpodrzucać monetę
to put sb at a disadvantageto make it harder for someone to succeed
to make yourself at hometo feel relaxed and comfortable
to let sb goto officially make someone leave a job
to cut sth to the boneto reduce costs / prices as much as possible
to form an allianceto create a relationship between people, groups, countries. in which they agree to work together
up to your earsdeeply involved in something
to lose sight of sthto forget about an important idea or fact because you are thinking too much about other things
to keep a lid on sthto keep something secret
to bring sth to sb's attentionto make someone aware of something
to file a complaintto complain officially to someone
to have a stroke of geniusto have a sudden brilliant idea
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