wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 8
autor: tysiek
to pranceto be boastful
niftyskillful, effective
medianplace in the middle
cranksb who behaves strangely
paupersb who is very poor
requisiteneeded for a particular purpose
preordainedcertain to happen, decided in advance
to subdueto bring sth under control (zapanować)
to sustainto make sth continue to exist
offspringsomeone's child/ result
to exert yourselfto work very hard
to disdainto have no respect for sth/sb, to contempt (lekceważyć)
to excelto do sth much better than most people
to peddleto sell goods (esp. illegal) to people (domokrążyć)
every walk of lifeevery social group
to prodto encourage, to stimulate (poganiać)
to deploreto disapprove of sth, to criticize it (ubolewać)
unrelentingruthless (nieubłagany)
to pervadeto permeate (przenikać)
dulyas it should be
obscuritythe state of not being known
to be cut out for sthto be the right person
household namevery popular person
credibilityan instance of being believable
to lingerto make sth longer
to menaceto threaten
one-offsth that is done only once (jednorazowy)
ventureactivity which involves taking risk
to ventureto go to a dangerous place
remotefar away
to rubbishto say sth sad or useless
odd jobsdifferent jobs
hand onpractical
to look outto watch out