wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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autor: tysiek
to launchto start
to impressto fix sth in sb's mind
with hindsightto notice sth aftes it happened
to submitto hand in
on daily basisevery day
to own upto confess
to gabbleto talk quickly
to enactto establish by legal and authoritative act
uniform systemsystem which remains the same
to hollow outto make sth worthless
intrinsicbelonging naturally, native
scapegoata person who is blamed for everything
to conceiveto imagine
to earmarkto decide that sth will be used for a particular purpose
to gear upto provide/ to make ready for effective operation
to museto ponder
futilityan instance of being useless
randomhappening by chance, haphazard
readilyeasily, willingly
to decipherto decode/ to be able to understand, read
bottleneckanything that slows down the progress of sth
to dispatchto send/ to forward
to be in keeping withto be in harmony
to wind upto cause sb to get excited
to career downto move quickly in an uncontrolable way
ruffleddisturbed slightly
to yapto talk noisly and foolishly about sth
whopping liehuge lie
in terms ofas regards
to blurto make sth unclear
to untangleto loose from tangles ex. a knot
receiptproof of purchase
to prodto push or poke, to stimulate
to pranceto walk in a proud way, to show off
casualoccuring without regularity
to account forto explain
strolling playersactors who travel and play
to defyto disobey
to fend for oneselfto take care of oneself
transientlasting for a short period of time
to be tardyto be late
back to square oneback to the beginning
to blightto frustrate hopes or plans
to intimidateto make sb fearful of timid
furtivesly and secretive, stealthy
to fall into disusenot to be used any longer
prevalentexisting or happening generally, common
adjunctsth added to sth else, usually bigger
to give rise to sthto cause
far cry from sthsth that is a very different experience, situation
well-heeledrich, wealthy
conducta way of behaving
in close proximitynearness in space or time
conceittoo much pride of yourself
to deprieveto prevent sb from having or doing sth (esp. important)