wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane test cz 2
autor: tysiek
food for thoughtsth to think about
bountygenerosity in giving
imminentlikely to happen very soon
commonernot a member of the nobility
to amalgamateto cause to combine, to unite
kickertrap, pitfall
also-ranloser in a competition
to sail throughto succeed very easily in an exam
riot of sthlarge variety of sth
to winceto show with your face that you feel pain
aridvery dry
meticulousvery attentive to detail
starched womanold-fashioned woman
to strayto change direction unexpectedely and get lost
to lingerto be unwilling to leave, to remain in small quantities
coinagea new word
to sustainto cause to continue
unrelentingnot reducing in intensity
inconspicuousnot noticeable and not obvious
to band togetherto unit in a group
to disdainto contempt
to make both ends meetto have just enough money to survive
to pervadeto enter and spread to every part of sth
decipherableit can be read easily (about one's writing)
to dangleto hang or swing loosely
lopsidedunevenly balanced with one side lower
verboseusing more words than is needed
to exasperateto annoy, irritate, to tire sb mentally
to be at one's disposalto be available to one whenever he needs to
to dispelto cause to vanish
to have insight intoto have deep understanding of sth
to be at seato be lost, confused
to rule outto eliminate
to be besottedto be made silly, esp. by love
onsetthe beginning of sth unpleasant
concealmentan instance of hiding sth
flamboyantshowy, extravagant, brightly coloured
turning pointtime when an important decision, change takes place
testament to sthproof of sth
to dress downto wear plain clothes
intrusivenosey, not being wanted
to pool resourcesto put money into a common fund
to interceptto stop sth that is moving
to contendto say sth that is true/ to compete
to fork outto pay reluctantly