Stiff | An ordinary or dull person | |
Esteem | Respect and admiration | |
Disguise | Clothes or other things that you wear so that people will not recognize you | |
Self-esteem | A feelinf of having respect for yourself and your abilities | |
Collaboration | When 2 or more people work together to create or achieve the same thing | |
Bummer | Sth that is unpleasant or disappointing | |
Bonding | The process of forming a close relationship with sb | |
Prank | A trick that is done to sb usually as a joke | |
Breakdown | A sudden failure of mental or physical health that makes sb unable to libe normally | |
Precaution | Sth that is done to prevent possible harm or trouble from happening in the future | |
Amature | A person who doesbsth poorly | |
Domain | An area od knowladge or activity | |
Simultaneous | Happening at the same time | |
Time-honore | A ______ tradition, practise or method is respected because it's been used for many years | |
Exempt | Not required to do sth that others are required to do | |
Burned out | Feeling very phyaically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time | |
Obscene | Relating to sex in an indecent or offensive way | |
Overcome | Unable to act or think in the usual way | |
Due | Required or expected to happen | |
Impure | Sexual in a wat that is considered morally wrong | |
Brand-new | Completely new, especially not yet used | |
undivided | ___________________ attention is complete, full attention | |
agreeable | acceptable | |
booming | growing or expanding very quickly | |
astounding | amazing, astonishing | |
broke | not having any money | |
allergic to | having an allergy | |
to remedy | to solve, correct or improve sth | |
to hold sth against | to use sth as a reason to have a bad opinion of sb | |
to enroll | to enter (sb) as a member of or participant in sth | |
to flunk | to get a failing grade in an examination or course | |
to regrudge | to think that sb does not deserve sth | |
to draw | to attract sb or sth | |
to warmp up to | to start to like sb | |
to flatter | praise sb in order to make them feel attractive or important,sometimes in a way that isn't sincere | |
to air | to make sth known in public; to state sth publicly | |
to sneer at | to express dislike & a lack of respect for sb or sth in a very open way | |
to refer to | to send sb or sth to a particular person or place for treatment, help,advice, etc. | |
bolis down to | if a situation or problem ________sth, that is the main reason for it | |
to run over | to knock down and drive over or go over sb or sth | |
to profit from | to earn to get money from sth | |
to meddle | to become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wante | |
satisfy sb curiocity | to tell sb what they want | |
to be on speaking terms | used to describe the kind of relationship where u speak to sb | |
in the care of | being looked after sb | |
do the trick | to produce a desired result, to solve a problem | |
broad a new horizons | to increase the range of things that sb knows about or has experienced | |
to take pride in | to be proud of sth | |
don't mention it | used to answer sb who has just thanked u for sth | |
not to have a prayer | a slight chance of doing or getting sth (usually used in negative statements) | |
follow in sb's footsteps | to do the same things that another person has done before | |
give the benefit of the doubt | when u _________, u treat them as sb who is honest | |
to be at strake | if sth is _________________, it's in a situation where it might be lost | |
to criticize sb FOR | krytykować kogoś za coś | |
to have reliance ON sb | mieć zaufanie do kogoś | |
to blame sth ON sb | przypisywać komuś odpowiedzialność za coś | |
to comply WITH sth | podporządkować się, | |
to account FOR sth | to constitute sth | |
to charge sb WITH a crime | oskarżyć kogoś o popełnienie zbrodni | |
to take advantage OF | wykorzystywać | |
to comment ON | komentować coś | |
to abstain FROM | powstrzymywać się od | |
a reason FOR | przyczyna czegoś | |
to be at a loss for words | to be speechless | |
to break out | to start a war | |
to cut in on the conversation | to join in something suddenly (wtrącać się) | |
to break down in | złamać się | |
to break down | to organise | |
to break the news to sb | to inform sb | |
to break in | rozchodzić | |