wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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DARIA 1-3 + TEST 1
autor: zaana
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StiffAn ordinary or dull person
EsteemRespect and admiration
DisguiseClothes or other things that you wear so that people will not recognize you
Self-esteemA feelinf of having respect for yourself and your abilities
CollaborationWhen 2 or more people work together to create or achieve the same thing
BummerSth that is unpleasant or disappointing
BondingThe process of forming a close relationship with sb
PrankA trick that is done to sb usually as a joke
BreakdownA sudden failure of mental or physical health that makes sb unable to libe normally
PrecautionSth that is done to prevent possible harm or trouble from happening in the future
AmatureA person who doesbsth poorly
DomainAn area od knowladge or activity
SimultaneousHappening at the same time
Time-honoreA ______ tradition, practise or method is respected because it's been used for many years
ExemptNot required to do sth that others are required to do
Burned outFeeling very phyaically and emotionally tired after doing a difficult job for a long time
ObsceneRelating to sex in an indecent or offensive way
OvercomeUnable to act or think in the usual way
DueRequired or expected to happen
ImpureSexual in a wat that is considered morally wrong
Brand-newCompletely new, especially not yet used
undivided___________________ attention is complete, full attention
boominggrowing or expanding very quickly
astoundingamazing, astonishing
brokenot having any money
allergic tohaving an allergy
to remedyto solve, correct or improve sth
to hold sth againstto use sth as a reason to have a bad opinion of sb
to enrollto enter (sb) as a member of or participant in sth
to flunkto get a failing grade in an examination or course
to regrudgeto think that sb does not deserve sth
to drawto attract sb or sth
to warmp up toto start to like sb
to flatterpraise sb in order to make them feel attractive or important,sometimes in a way that isn't sincere
to airto make sth known in public; to state sth publicly
to sneer atto express dislike & a lack of respect for sb or sth in a very open way
to refer toto send sb or sth to a particular person or place for treatment, help,advice, etc.
bolis down toif a situation or problem ________sth, that is the main reason for it
to run overto knock down and drive over or go over sb or sth
to profit fromto earn to get money from sth
to meddleto become involved in the activities and concerns of other people when your involvement is not wante
satisfy sb curiocityto tell sb what they want
to be on speaking termsused to describe the kind of relationship where u speak to sb
in the care ofbeing looked after sb
do the trickto produce a desired result, to solve a problem
broad a new horizonsto increase the range of things that sb knows about or has experienced
to take pride into be proud of sth
don't mention itused to answer sb who has just thanked u for sth
not to have a prayera slight chance of doing or getting sth (usually used in negative statements)
follow in sb's footstepsto do the same things that another person has done before
give the benefit of the doubtwhen u _________, u treat them as sb who is honest
to be at strakeif sth is _________________, it's in a situation where it might be lost
to criticize sb FORkrytykować kogoś za coś
to have reliance ON sbmieć zaufanie do kogoś
to blame sth ON sbprzypisywać komuś odpowiedzialność za coś
to comply WITH sthpodporządkować się,
to account FOR sthto constitute sth
to charge sb WITH a crimeoskarżyć kogoś o popełnienie zbrodni
to take advantage OFwykorzystywać
to comment ONkomentować coś
to abstain FROMpowstrzymywać się od
a reason FORprzyczyna czegoś
to be at a loss for wordsto be speechless
to break outto start a war
to cut in on the conversationto join in something suddenly (wtrącać się)
to break down inzłamać się
to break downto organise
to break the news to sbto inform sb
to break inrozchodzić
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