wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane 10
autor: tysiek
blissfulfull of happiness
to pine forto long for/ to miss sth
to tap intoto make use of sth, to take advantage
to get in on the actto become involved in a particular action
to commemorateto celebrate/ to do sth to keep sth else in people's mind
to chafe atto become irritated, annoyed
noveltysth new
interlopersb who visits sb without invitation
to be at variance with sthto be out of harmony, to disagree
hack workhard and tedious
to keep sth in the darknot to reveal one's secrets or information
plausiblebelievable, possible
at first sight/ glanceconsidered for the first time
to compelto force sb to do sth
thornydifficult to deal with, causing disagreement
amorphousnot having a particular shape
host of sthlarge number of sth
to deemto regard, to consider
limba hand or a leg
phantomillusionary, not real
adjacentsituated next to
olfactoryreferring to smell
to thriveto flourish, to progress really well
dementiamental disorder
sedentarywhen you sit a lot
tidbitsmall but interesting piece of information
saturatedfull of moisture
culprita person that is responsible for sth
to rev upto cause sth to work quickly
jittersfeeling of extreme nervousness
benigngentle, kind, mild
crackerbeautiful girl/ an excellent or notable thing or a person
the average Joean ordinary person
to depictto show sth as a picture
to perpetrateto commit
to sootheto make sth less intensive
to buck upto cause sb to become more cheerful
reams of stha large quantity of sth
the best part of sthmore than half
wave of sthsudden, temporary increase in specified activities
mayhemviolent disorder, confusion
snappyirritable, lively, elegant, smart clothes
to snap at sbto answer rudely
to dodgeto avoid
to be at the height of sthto be at the top, the highest point of sth
to defend one's turfto defend one's territory
turfgrass with the layer of soil
to be in the melting potto be in the process of changing
melting pota place where people with different nationalities meet
demeanourthe way of behaving, conduct
squalorvery dirty, unpleasant, morally degraded
to conjure upto form a picture in one's mind, to imagine
rowdynoisy and disorderly
conjuringan instance of performing clever things considered magical