wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo
autor: tysiek
indicative ofto be the sign of
irrespective ofregardless of
commensurate withappropriate to
incompatible withnot compatible
preoccupied withpreviously applied to another group/ absorbed in sth
grateful toappreciative of benefits received
kind togentle
immune tohaving a high degree of resistance
impervious tonot affected of influenced
indifferent tonot showing any interest
liable tolikely to suffer from
prone toliable to
baffled byconfused
detained byforced to stay longer in a particular place
distressed byexperiencing difficulties, suffering from
plagued bydisturbed or annoyed persistently
eligible forqualified to participate or be chosen
liable forlegally responsible
deficient innot having enough
implicated ininvolved in
attitude toa mental position with regard to a fact
encounter withto meet as an adversary
craving forlonging for
provision forproviding future needs
disregard forthe act of not paying attention to sth