wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo 2
autor: tysiek
in the balancewith the fate or outcome to be determined
in all likelihoodreally possible
in charge ofresponsible for
in the charge ofhaving control of sth
in declinebecoming worse
in distressexperiencing difficulties of suffering from sth
in earnestfrankly
in the endfinally
in favour with sbto have a good relationship
in fear ofbeing afraid of
in high spiritsin good mood, excited
in recognition ofappreciating sb's achievements
in response toin answer to
in shortbriefly
with intent tointentionally
with regard towith respect to, considering sth
with a view tohoping, planning to do sth
at any ratein any case
at faultresponsible for
at the first attempttrying for the first time
at largefree of restraint or confinement
on approvalsubject to a prospective buyer's acceptance or refusal
on good termshaving a harmonious relationship
on loanborrowed
on the marketfor sale
on its meritsregarding achievements