wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo 2.2
autor: tysiek
disappointed ... sthwith
to object ... sthto
to insist .. sthon
to be preferable ... sthto
to be famous ... sthfor
to fool sb ... sthinto
to have doubts ... sthabout
to be confident ... sthof
faith ... sthin
to be good ... sbwith
appeal ... sbto
opportunity ... sbfor
opportunity ... doing sthof
chance ... sthof
an insult ... sb/sthto
an intention ... doing sthof
to protest ... sbto
to fish ... sthfor
to be fed up ... sthwith
to be in the habit ... doing sthof
improvement ... sthin
to have an influence ... sthon
a relationship ... sth & sthbetween
to be lacking ... sthin
to concentrate ... sthon
to be ill ... sthwith
a hope ... doing sthof
to depend ... sthon
an admiration ... sbfor
to struggle ... sthagainst
to surrender ... sthto
to feed sb ... sthon
likelihood ... sthof
to avenge oneself ... sbon
a victory for sb ... sbover
to declare war ... sbon
view ... sthon
to be suspicious ... sbof
to trust sb ... sthwith
to make an attempt ... doing sthat
to make an attempt ... sthon
to gain ... sthin
to be poor .. sthin
to be self-sufficient ... sthin
to decide ... a particular problemon
to be envious ... sbof