wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo 2.3
autor: tysiek
a point ... doing sthin
to be essential ... sthfor
to congratulate sb ... sthon
to have a difficulty ... sthin
to be independent ... sthof
to gain ... sb (to approach)on
to have the reputation ... doing sthof
to prevent sb ... doing sthfrom
to cheat sb ... 200 poundsout of
to take an exception ... sth (to feel offended)to
to succeed ... the throneto
to take pride ... sthin
to be good ... sthfor
peculiar ... sbto
to compliment sb ... sthon
to have taste .. sthin
to be particular ....sthabout
to be honest ... sthin
to be honest .. sbwith
a question ... sthof
to set a limit ... sthto
eligible ... sthfor
superior ... sthto
to know ... sthabout
to know ... sth (to have information)of
to be angry .. sthabout
to be angry .. sbwith
to be angry ... a particular behaviourfor
to grow .. sb (to become)into
to mistake sb ... sbfor
to differ ... sbfrom
to grow ... a particular featurein
to end sth ... sthwith
to end sth ... doing sthby
safe ... sb/sthfrom
to make oneself familiar ... sthwith
to equip sth ... sthwith
to make sth ... sth (to transform)into