wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo 2.4
autor: tysiek
to be devoted ... sth/sbto
to part ... sbwith
to see sth ... sb/sthin
to be free ... sth (can spend)with
to help oneself ... sthto
to take sb ... confidenceinto
to confide ... sbin
to excuse sb .. sth (ex. behaviour)for
to excuse sb ... sth (to exempt)from
to enter ... sth (become involved)into
to be opposed ... sthto
to be free ... sth/sb (not to have to deal with)of
to mean sth ... sthby
to end ... a rowin
to win sth ... a large number of votesby
to be forced ... sthinto
to be forced ... do sthto
to profitfrom
contrary ... sthto
to plant a field ... sthwith
to turn sth ... sth (to transform)into
to reduce sth ... halfby
to reduce sth ... sthto
to be threatened ... sthwith
threat ... sth (because sth might happen)of
threat ... sth (danger)to
to live ... crediton
to live ... sthby
to live ... sth (to long)for
to be new ... sbto
opinion .. sb/sthof
opinion ... the subjecton
to keep sth ... oneselfto
indignant .. sthof
robbed .. sthof
to listen/watch ... sth (alert)for
to remain true ... sthto
advantage ... sbto
to give benefits ... sbto
to be greedy ...sthfor
to be well disposed ... sbtowards
to hold sth ... sbagainst
to be foreign ... sthto