wordki.pl - nauka słówek
jane prepo 2.6
autor: tysiek
to warn sb ... sbabout
to be patient ... sthwith
to interfere ... sbwith
to be sensitive ... sthto
change ... the environmentin
change ... sth (sth different)from
to work ... sth (in order to produce sth)on
to work ... sth (to try hard)at
to find pleasure ... doing sthin
to puzzle .... sthover
to be occupiedwith
to beat sb ... sthat
to have revenge ... sb ... sthon for
to show mercy ... sbto
to have mercy ... sbon
to fit sth ... sthwith
to be responsible ... sb ... sthto for
to be concerned ... sth (involved)in
to decide ... sth & sthbetween
to share sth ... sbwith
to reason ... sb ... sthwith on
to make up one's mind ... sthabout
to be ignorantof
to seethe .. sthwith
to be satisfied .. sthwith
to give relief .. sthfrom
to attend ... sthto
to missfrom
to provide ... sbfor
to spend time ... sthin
to invest .. sthin
to supply .. sthwith
to allow ... sthfor
a delayin
a possibility ... doing sthof
to guard ... sthagainst