wordki.pl - nauka słówek
luty 2
autor: tysiek
to bear sth in mindto keep sth in mind
intelligiblethat can be understand
prowessoutstanding skill or experise
a mixed blessingsth partially positive and partially negative
to grant sthto give sth
to be at a premiumto be difficult to obtain and therefore more valued
in the wake of sthcoming after, following sth
to search every nook and crannyto go through sth in order to find it
to succum to sthto give in to sb/ to yield
to stipulateto state sth clearly in the contract
undertakingan instance of deciding to do sth challenging, extraordinary/ promise
thoroughlywithout leaving anything out, completely
to bidto say, to order
to aspireto have aspirations to do sth
to supersedeto replace, to substitute
to overwhelmto submerge
to overdoto exaggerate
to be hard on sbto expect too much
uphillrequiring effort, difficult
steepfalling sharply
venuea place of meeting
to accordto agree
to equate sth to sthto treat sth as equal
sparselynot densely
to emanateto come or flow from sth
to discloseto make sth known
to narrow downto make sth shorter
to decline an offerto refuse
to foregoto give up
to clinch a dealto finalise
to clampto fasten with a clamp
to scold sbto reprimend
to abuseto insult
to set ones' sights on doing sthto be determined to achieve sth
to put sth to sbto suggest