wordki.pl - nauka słówek
luty 4
autor: tysiek
to appalto fill with horror/ shock
misgivingsreservations, doubts
bigwiga very important person
to denounceto go to the police and tell on sb
mogula very rich person
bondagelabour captivity
to embark onto start doing sth
to coerce sb into doing sthto force sb to do sth unwanted
to anticipateto expect
inaudiblethat cannot be heard
brainchildoriginal idea, plan
to tingleto produce slight, pricking feeling
to ward off evil spiritsto keep away sth from sth
to pay homage toto do/ say sth to show great respect for sb
sleeksmooth and glossy/ looking well fed and prosperous/ well styled
to advocateto speak in favour of sth/ to support
to come in thick and fastto come quickly and in large quantities
forerunnera person that paves the way for sth
habitata natural environment
veritabletruth, that cannot be questionned
to squintto close your eyes because of ex. sun
unsungnot reckognized
run-of-the-millordinary, not special
hueshade of colour
lividangry, furious
to churn outto produce many things of a low quantity