underlying | not obvious features of sth |
remarkable | unusual or special |
likable | easy to like |
contemptible | strong dislike |
preferable | sth that we prefere more |
sensible | reasonable |
responsible | taking care of your self |
disagreeable | rather unpleasant |
disconnected | not connected |
enforced | forced to do sth |
unfounded | wrong, not based on facts |
disability | not able to do sth |
indebted | have debts (country) |
misleading | leading in wrong way |
considerably | znacznie |
directly | straigth forward |
illegible | unclear |
vaguely | to some degree |
merely | almost nothing |
barely | almost |
sufficient | wystarczający |
apply | apply for job |
invaluable | nieocenione |
injustice | niesprawiedliwy |
insensitive | not sensitive |
invalid | nieważny |
comprehensible | sth that can be understood |
satisfaction | satysfakcja |
hazardous | risky |
confirmation | potwierdzenie |
acknowledge | accept sth/uznać |
disastrous | katastrofalny |
forseeable | event that is easy to forsee in future |
outspoken | sb that gives opinions honsetly and openly |
requirement | quality of qualification that is needed |
upbringing | wychowanie/things that parents taugth us during growing up |
assumption | założenie |
commemorate | to remember event or person |
misconception | misunderstanding |
qualification | sth that is needed for work/kwalifikacja |
inaccessible | niedostępny/difficult to reach |
blameless | nienaganny/sb that did not do anything wrong |
confidential | secret e.g. data |
voluntary | wolontariat |
acquisition | nabycie |
evasive | sb that avoid giving direct answers/ |
admission | dopuszczenie |
thoughtful | zamyślony |
unthinkable | nie do pomyślenia |
thoughtless | bezmyślny |
unrecognisable | nierozpoznawalny |
acquiantance | znajomy |
comparably | porównywalnie/rough similarity |
collision | kolizja |
unendurable | nieznośny/unpleasant situation |
advisory | group that gives suggestions |
ceaseless | nieustanny |
controversial | kontrowersyjny |
allegation | zarzut/wrong accusation |