wordki.pl - nauka słówek
march 1
autor: tysiek
abundantplentiful, copious
to discard sthto get rid of sth
the grassrootsordinary people
to intimidateto make sb frightened
livelihoodincome, means of living
insatiablethat cannot be satisfied
to have a vested interest in sthto expect to achieve sth
to empower sbto give sb power
the uninitiatedpeople who don't share special, secret knowledge
to spark sth offto lead to sth
to mockto ridicule
adulationflattery, admiration
to distortto misrepresent
to topple onto sthto be unsteady and almost fall
to inferto imply, to conclude, to guess
the tip of the icebergjust the beginning of sth even worse
fieryblaming, emotional
to quiz sbto ask questions
footagematerial made for television
hearsaya rumour
impendingabout to happen
perniciousharmful, detrimental
indeliblethat cannot be removed
to reconcile sth with sthto make things agree
to reconcile oneself to sthto accept finally sth unpleasant
to waverto hesitate/ to move from one side to another
outrightinstantly, clearly, openly, honestly
ambidexterousable to use both hands equally well
to disembarkto go ashore
extensivea great deal of sth
adhesivecovered with a sticky substance
armisticean agreement to stop fighting
to jeopardiseto put sth in danger
to adjournto postpone
cowardicelack of courage
to exceedto go beyond
to meanderto curve and wind
denturefalse teeth
impregnablethat cannot be taken by force
matricidean instance of murdering one's mother
negligibleso small that can be ignored
devastatedlaid waste
airworthyfit to fly
amnesialoss of memory
to ascertainto find out