wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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wszystkie zestawy
moje zestawy
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autor: zaana
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taste inthe ability to choose what is appealing, attractive, appropriate, or enjoyable
wimpa person who is not strong, brave or confident
nose job(informal) a medical operation on your nose to improve its appearance
insightan understanding of the true nature or sth
stimulus/stimulisth that cause sth else to happen, develop, or become more active
profit marginthe difference between the cost of buying or making sth & the price at which it's sold
bummer(informal) sth what is unpleasant or disappointing
maggingan act of attacking sb and stealing their money
double standarda situation in which 2 people,etc,are treated very differently form each other in unfair way forOne
scum(informal) a dishonest, unkind, or unpleasant person
likelihoodthe chance that sth will happen
felonya serious crime (such as murder or rape)
commitmentsth that you must do or deal with that takes your time
repeatedlymany times
datedno longer used because sth never exists
fragileeasily broken or damaged
danglehanging loosely
presentablelooking suitable or good enough, especially in the way you are dressed
shot(informal) in a ver bad condition
supportivegiving help or encouragement to sb (wsparcie)
for onceused when sth happens that does not usually happen
insecurenot confident about yourself or your ability to do things well (niepewny)
despicablevery bad on unpleasant
insensitivenot carring about the feelings of other people
pathetic(dispproving) very bad, poor, weak, etc.
soundshowing good judgment
primarymost important/main
insincerenot expressing or showing true feelings
scragglygrowing in a way that is not neat and even
gross(informal) disgusting
obsoleteold-fashioned or out-of-date
astutementally sharp or clever
decentadequate or acceptable
thought provokingcausing people to think seriously about sth
regardless ofwithout being stopped or affected by sth
associate sb with sthto think of one person or thing when you thing of another person or thing
charge sbto ask for payment from a customer, client, etc.
stumble uponto find or learn about sth unexpectedly
triggerto cause sth to start or happen
recallto remember sth from the past
rub sth into keep reminding sb of sth that person would like to forget
force sth upon sbto cause stb or sth that is not wanted to be accepted by sb
come alongto go somewhere with sb
that'll doto be enough
fetchto go another place to get sth ot sb and bring them back (iść i przynośić)
top offto end sth usually in an exciting way
shatterto damage sth very badly
occurto happen
account forto explain the reason for sth
put up withto allow sb or sth unpleasant or annoying to exist or happen
withdrawnto stop spending time with other people
get around sthto succeed in avoiding or solving a problem
abuseto treat a person or animal in a harsh or harmful way
unleashto allow or cause sth very powerful ot happen suddenly
talk sb into doing sthto convience or persuade sb to do sth
to sb's advantagegiving sb a greater chance of success
to be in agreementto share the same opinion
to have sth on your conscienceto feel guilty
through no fault of my ownused to say that sb is not responsible for what happened
in timeearly enough
to lift sb's spiritsto make sb happier
to keep truck on sthto be aware of how sth is changing, what sb is doing, etc.
if memory servesif I remember correctly
turns one's stomachto make you feel ill (because it is offensive or disqusting)
what brings you here?What can I do for you? How can I help?
hang in therea way of telling sb to not give up, despite difficulties
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