wordki.pl - nauka słówek
spr 1
autor: tysiek
squeamishwhen you're easily made sick, offended
nausetedabout to vomit
breakthroughrevolutionary discovery
to expandto make larger
to crouchto lower your body to sit on your heels
to excavateto dig out
to lose outto suffer loss
figureheada person that has a title but has no power
figmenta creation ex. of imagination
moistslightly wet
barrenunable to produce any crops
to startleto surprise sb suddenly
virulentextremely harmful
to castto throw violently
to hopto move by jumping
to saunterto walk
to comply withto agree with
unswerwingunchanging, irrevocable, steady
sacrosancttoo important to be changed
erroneusmistaken, incorrect
undesirablenot wanted, intrusive
to nestleto seat snugly, comfortably
to adjustto adapt
eeriecausing a feeling of mystery of fear
intractablethat cannot be solved
tractablethat can be dealt with
aloofreserved, keeping distance
to pulveriseto smash sth to powder/ to defeat sb completely
to deemto regard, to consider
to ponderto think about, to muse
voluptuoushaving desirable figure
sustainablethat can be used for a long time
to let outto produce
to loosen upto make less stress