wordki.pl - nauka słówek
spr 2
autor: tysiek
to settle downto find a place
to retrieveto obtain sth again
straittrouble, difficulty
to live in concord with sbto live in agreement
unrestdisturbed or uneasy state, disturbance, dissatisfaction
chagrindisquietude or distress of mind
disquietlack of peace or tranquility
memorialmonument or ceremony
recollectionthe action of recalling to mind
streak of lucka period of continuing success
vulnerablelikely to suffer
enlightenmentan instance of making sb knowledgeable
unrulydifficult to control
moba large or disorderly crowd
stridentloud and harsh
to allureto tempt
mutethat cannot speak
nondescriptnot characteristic
to envisageto imagine
conduicive to sthhelping, allowing sth
assaulta violent attack
to staggerto walk unsteady
to fleeto run away
curtseypoliteness, respect
to mesmeriseto hypnotize
to augmentto make sth bigger
to transfixto make sth unable to move
to keep sb in the darknot to reveal secrets, information
to pine forto long for, to miss sth
blissfulextremely happy
to tap intoto take advantage of sth
to get in on the actto become involved in a particular action
to commemorateto celebrate, to do sth to keep sth in people's memory