wordki.pl - nauka słówek
spr 3
autor: tysiek
noveltysth new, just introduced
hack workrequiring a lot of effort, tedious work
to chafe atto become annoyed, impatient
interlopera person which comes without invitation
to be at variance withto disagree
at first glance/ sightconsidered for the first time
plausibleprobable, believable
to compelto force sb to do sth
thornydifficult to answer, causing disagreement
amorphoushaving not definite shape
limbshands & legs
phantomillusional, imaginated, not real
adjacentsituated next to
olfactoryreferring to smell
to thriveto prosper, to progress really well
dementiamental disorder
sedentarywhen you sit a lot
tidbitssmall but interesting piece of information
saturatedfull of sth (ex. moisture)
culprita person that is responsible for sth
to rev upto cause sth to work quickly
to get the jittersto become extremely nervous
benigngentle, mild, kind
caperdishonest, criminal, scheme
crackera beautiful, notable, excellent person
the average Joean ordinary person
to perpetrateto commit
to sootheto make sth less intensive, calm and relaxed
to buck upto cause sb to become more cheerful
reams of stha large quantity of sth
the best part of sthmore than half
wave of sthsudden, but temporary increase in specified activities
mayhemviolent disorder, confusion
snappyirritable/ lively/ elegant, smart clothes
to dodgeto avoid
to be at the height of sthto be at the top, at the highest point of sth
to defend one's turfto defend one's territory
turfthe grass with the layer of soil
to be in the melting potto be in the process of changing
melting pota place where people with different nationalities meet
demeanourthe way of behaving, conduct
squalorvery dirty, unpleasant, morally degraded
to conjure upto form a picture in one's mind, to imagine
rowdynoisy and disorderly
conjuringan instance of performing clever things considered magical
fabricationa lie, sth which is not true
to fabricateto make up
to withholdnot to reveal the truth
to concealto hide
to blurt outto reveal
to rumbleto reveal, to find out
to implicateto involve
to deployto use efficiently
to hintto mention briefly
whopperhuge lie
to baffleto perplex, to confuse
benign lyingeasily taken in, deceived
adroitskillful, clever
collusiona secret agreement
constructsa system on which sth is built
to foist sth upon sbto force sb to accept sth unwanted
to blushwhen your chicks become red because of embarassment