wordki.pl - nauka słówek
spr 4
autor: tysiek
to seizeto grasp
to detractto make sth seem less enjoyable, to deprieve
to prevailto dominate, to defeat sb
to sway sb's opinionto cause sb to change mind
reluctantunwilling, not eager
to attainto achieve
to alienateto cause sb to become disloyal
to estrangeto cause sb to become separate
misgivingsreservations, doubts
to appalto fill with horror, shock
to sourto become unfriendly or unfavourable
reminiscentreminding of sth
to wear onto pass tediously
to draw onto approach
to be wary of sthto be circumspect, cautious
to be weary of sthto be exhausted
tentativedone without confidence/ not definite or certain
to strainto try really hard
to be hell-bent onto be very determined to do sth
to revolveto move around like a wheel/ to have sth as a main subject or purpose
to refineto make sth pure
gallingannoying, humiliating
to inclineto show a tendency
amplemore than enough
handling of sththe way you deal with the problem
to reckonto think/ to count
supremethe very best
to disallownot to accept
to ensueto follow
to bear sth in mindto keep sth in mind
intelligiblethat can be understood
prowessoutstanding skill, expertise
a mixed blessingsth partially positive and partially negative
to grantto give