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reakcje gimnazjum - dobieranie
autor: sally75
dodaj do moich zestawów
in a shopCHANGING ROOMS HERE: in a park/ in a cafe/ at a hotel/ in s shop/ at an airport
in a parkKEEP THE DOGS OFF THE GRASS: in a park/ in a cafe/ at a hotel/ in a shop/ at an airport
at a hotelRECEPTION DESK: in a park/ in a cafe/ at a hotel/ in a shop/ at an airport
at an airportNOTHING TO DECLARE: in a park/ in a cafe/ at a hotel/ in a shop/ at an airport
at a greengrocer'sAPPLES-ONLY 50p A KILO: at a greengrocer's/on a drinks machine/at a baker's/in a restaurant/at a zoo
in a restaurantPLEASE WAIT TO BE SERVED:at a greengrocer's/on a drinks machine/at a baker's/in a restaurant/at a zo
at the zooDO NOT FEED THE ANIMALS:at a greengrocer's/on a drinks machine/at a baker's/in a restaurant/at a zoo
on a drinks machineOUT OF ORDER: at a greengrocer's/on a drinks machine/at a baker's/in a restaurant/at a zoo
in a TV studioSILENCE PLEASE. PROGRAMME ON AIR:in a TV studio/on a TV screen/in a small ads section
in an agony aunt columnPLEASE SEND IN YOUR LETTERS:in a TV studio/on a TV screen/in an agony aunt column
on a TV screenTHIS PROGRAMME IS SCRAMBLED:on a TV screen/in a small ads section/in an agony aunt column
in a small ads sectionA SMALL FLAT TO RENT:in a TV studio/in a small ads section/in an agony aunt column
on a broken machineOUT OF ORDER:in a cinema/on a mobile phone screen/on a broken machine/in an instruction manual
in a cinemaSWITCH OFF YOUR MOBILE PHONES:in a cinema/on a mobile phone screen/on a broken machine/on a web page
on a mobile phone screenBATTERY LOW:on a mobile phone screen/on a broken machine/in an instruction manual/on a web page
on a web pageLOG IN HERE:***:in a cinema/on a broken machine/on a web page/on a mobile phone screen
in a trainDON'T LEAN OUT OF THE WINDOW: in a plane/in a train/on a gate/on a door/at an airport
at an airportGATE 15:in a plane/in a train/on a gate/on a door/at an airport
on a gateBEWARE OF THE DOG:in a plane/in a train/on a gate/on a door/at an airport
on a doorDO NOT DISTURB:in a plane/in a train/on a gate/on a door/at an airport
on a rubbish binPAPER ONLY:on the door of the lift/on the mailbox/outside the block/on a rubbish bin
on the mailboxTO THE POSTMAN: PLEASE PUT MY POST IN BOX 32:on the block of flat's notice board/on the mailbox
on the block of flat's notice boardAFTER 10pm THIS BLOCK IS A SILENT ZONE:on the block of flat's notice board/on the mailbox
outside the blockCHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND-DOGS FORBIDDEN:on the door to the basement/outside the block/on the mailbox
on the door of the liftMAXIMUM LOAD: SIX PERSONS OR 600KG:outside the block/on the door of the lift/on a rubbish bin
laundryEXPRESS SERVICE-DRY CLEANING WHILE YOU WAIT: laundry/computer shop/florist's/post office
electronic equipmentVIDEO AND DIGITAL CASSETTES SOLD SEPARATELY:electronic equipment/laundry/computer shop
florist'sWE SELL WEDDING FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS:laundry/computer shop/florist's/post office
post officePARCELS-WINDOW 6:laundry/computer shop/florist's/post office
in a museumDO NOT TOUCH THE EXHIBITS:in a cinema/in a museum/in a circus/in a filharmonic hall
in a filharmonic hallPLEASE DO NOT ENTER ONCE CONCERT IS IN PROGRESS:in a museum/in a circus/in a filharmonic hall
in a circusFLYING ACROBATS-THE ONLY SHOW TODAY:in a museum/in a circus/in a filharmonic hall
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