wordki.pl - nauka słówek
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Midnight in Paris
autor: zaana
dodaj do moich zestawów
subtletythe qualty of being subtle (subtelność)
a coincidencean occasion when 2 or more similar things happen at the same time (zbieg okoliczności)
a flukesth good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning (fuks)
a killijoya person who doesn't like other people enjoying themselves
witthe ability to use words in a clever and humurous way (dowcip)
whereaboutsthe place where a person or thing is
a knock-outa very attractive or appealing person
a commitmentsth that u must do or deal with that takes your time
simplicitywhen sth is easy ti understand or do
knowledgeable (abouth sth)knowing a lot
possessivewanting all of sb's attention and love
moronic(informal) very stupid
paramountmore important than anything else
stupefiedconfused or uneable to think clearly (odurzony)
antisocialnot wanting to spend timer with or be firendly with other people
drawn to sb/sthattracted to do
underratednot valued or appreciated enough (niedoceniany)
bookedenjoying sth so much that u r unable to stop having, watching, doing it
insurmountable(especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully
enlighteninggiving u more information and understanding of sth
drop-dead gorgeousextremely attractive
lacking in sthnot having any or enough of sth that is needed or wanted
forgettablenot important or good enough to be remembered
stunnedvery shoched or suprised
moodyoften unhappy or unfriendly
divine(old-fashioned) extremely good, pleaseant or enjoyable
snotty(informal) rude and anoying,used especially to describe people who think they're better than others
taken with sb/sthliking or enjoying sb/sth
engaged to sbhaving formally agrred to marry sb
manlyhaving the qualities which people think a man should have (męski)
infantiletypical of a child and therefore unsuitable for an adult
alluringvery attractive, having a quality that attracts people
brightclever & quick to learn
competitivewanting very much to win r be more successful than others
to die of sthto die because of sth
to bit it off (with sb)to like sb and become frienfly immedietly
to scribbleto write or draw sth quickly or carelessly
to dress upto put on formal clothes for a sepcial occasion
to evaluateocaniać
to strike(clock) wybijać
to gush over/ about sb/sthto express a positive feeling in such a strong way that it doesn't sound sincere
to run into sbto meet sb u know when u r not expected
to strollto walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasant
to pry (into sth)to try to find out private facts about sth (wtrącac się)
to subsideustąpic, opadać
to pan outto have the end or result that you want
to be down on sb/sthto criticize sb/sth
in a dazezaszokowany
to keep track of sb/sthto make cartain that u know what is happeing on sb or sth
to be dying to do sthto be extremely eager to do sth
to be up in the airstać pod znakiem zapytania
to take sth to a whole new levelto give a new meaning to sth
no to pull any punchesto speak in a honest way wiyhout trying to be kind
to come out of left fieldto be completely unexpected and often strange
to be in demandneeded or wanted by many people
to jump to conclusionsto guess that facts about a situation without having any information (wyciągać pochopne wnioski)
sb's jaw dropsopadła komuś szczęka
to throw a partyto have a party
to have a crush on sbzakochać się w kimś
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