theft | kradzież | |
subtlety | the qualty of being subtle (subtelność) | |
a coincidence | an occasion when 2 or more similar things happen at the same time (zbieg okoliczności) | |
a fluke | sth good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning (fuks) | |
a killijoy | a person who doesn't like other people enjoying themselves | |
wit | the ability to use words in a clever and humurous way (dowcip) | |
whereabouts | the place where a person or thing is | |
a knock-out | a very attractive or appealing person | |
a commitment | sth that u must do or deal with that takes your time | |
simplicity | when sth is easy ti understand or do | |
knowledgeable (abouth sth) | knowing a lot | |
possessive | wanting all of sb's attention and love | |
moronic | (informal) very stupid | |
paramount | more important than anything else | |
stupefied | confused or uneable to think clearly (odurzony) | |
antisocial | not wanting to spend timer with or be firendly with other people | |
drawn to sb/sth | attracted to do | |
underrated | not valued or appreciated enough (niedoceniany) | |
booked | enjoying sth so much that u r unable to stop having, watching, doing it | |
self-effacing | skromny | |
insurmountable | (especially of a problem or a difficulty) so great that it cannot be dealt with successfully | |
enlightening | giving u more information and understanding of sth | |
drop-dead gorgeous | extremely attractive | |
lacking in sth | not having any or enough of sth that is needed or wanted | |
shallow | superficial | |
forgettable | not important or good enough to be remembered | |
stunned | very shoched or suprised | |
moody | often unhappy or unfriendly | |
divine | (old-fashioned) extremely good, pleaseant or enjoyable | |
snotty | (informal) rude and anoying,used especially to describe people who think they're better than others | |
taken with sb/sth | liking or enjoying sb/sth | |
engaged to sb | having formally agrred to marry sb | |
manly | having the qualities which people think a man should have (męski) | |
infantile | typical of a child and therefore unsuitable for an adult | |
alluring | very attractive, having a quality that attracts people | |
bright | clever & quick to learn | |
competitive | wanting very much to win r be more successful than others | |
marvellous | wonderful | |
to die of sth | to die because of sth | |
to bit it off (with sb) | to like sb and become frienfly immedietly | |
to scribble | to write or draw sth quickly or carelessly | |
to dress up | to put on formal clothes for a sepcial occasion | |
to evaluate | ocaniać | |
to strike | (clock) wybijać | |
to gush over/ about sb/sth | to express a positive feeling in such a strong way that it doesn't sound sincere | |
to run into sb | to meet sb u know when u r not expected | |
to stroll | to walk in a slow relaxed manner, especially for pleasant | |
to pry (into sth) | to try to find out private facts about sth (wtrącac się) | |
to subside | ustąpic, opadać | |
to pan out | to have the end or result that you want | |
to be down on sb/sth | to criticize sb/sth | |
in a daze | zaszokowany | |
to keep track of sb/sth | to make cartain that u know what is happeing on sb or sth | |
to be dying to do sth | to be extremely eager to do sth | |
to be up in the air | stać pod znakiem zapytania | |
to take sth to a whole new level | to give a new meaning to sth | |
no to pull any punches | to speak in a honest way wiyhout trying to be kind | |
to come out of left field | to be completely unexpected and often strange | |
to be in demand | needed or wanted by many people | |
to jump to conclusions | to guess that facts about a situation without having any information (wyciągać pochopne wnioski) | |
sb's jaw drops | opadła komuś szczęka | |
to throw a party | to have a party | |
to have a crush on sb | zakochać się w kimś | |