theft | złodziejstwo | |
subtlety | subtelność | |
fluke | szczęśliwy traf | |
killjoy | malkontent, psujący innym humor | |
wit | dowcip, rozum, inteligencja | |
whereabout | miejsce pobytu/ zamieszkania | |
knock-out | very attractive | |
simplicity | prostota, łatwość. | |
knowledgeable | uczony; wykształcony; mądry | |
moronic | kretyński. | |
antisocial | ASPOŁECZNY | |
drawn to | to be attracted | |
underrated | not valued or appreciated enough | |
hooked | enjoying sth so much that u are unable to stop havinh reading watching sth | |
aconcidence | zbieg okoliczności | |
commitment | zoobowiazanie zaangazowanie | |
possessive | zaborczy | |
paramount | nadrzędny | |
stupefied | otępiały oglupiony | |
self-effacing | trzymający się na uboczu. skromny, unikający rozgłosu | |
insurmountable | nieprzezwyciężony, nie do pokonania. | |
enlightening | pouczający | |
drop-dead-gorgeous | very attractive | |
lacking in | not having any or enough | |
shallow | not caring about important things | |
forgetable | no good enough to remember | |
stunned | ogłuszony | |
moody | humorzasty | |
divine | old fashioneD - GOOD | |
snotty | zadzierający nosa. | |
taken with sb/sth | liking or enjoying sb/sth | |
manly | męski | |
infantile | infantylny, dziecinny | |
alluring | nęcący, ponętny | |
bright | smart | |
competitive | lubiacy rywalizowac | |
marvelous | FENOMENALNY | |
to die of sth | umrzeć za coś | |
to hit it off | to like someone and to become friendly fastly | |
to scriggle | to write or draw sth quickly | |
to dress up | to put cloths because of special occasion | |
to evaluate | określac oceniać | |
to gush over | to express a positive feeling | |
to run into sb | wpasc na kogos | |
to pray into | (negative) to investigate someone | |
to stroll | przechadzac sie | |
to subside | slabnac | |
to pan out | w sensie - sprawy ukladaja sie | |
to be down on sb / sth | skrytykowac | |
in a daze | ogłuszony, zaszokowany | |
to keep track of | śledzić | |
to be dying to do | want to do sth bardzo bardzo bardzo | |
to be up in the air | when sth is not certain, because ither matters have to be decided first | |
to take sth to whole level | to give a new meaning to something | |
not to pull any punches | to speak in an honest way without trying to be kind | |
come out of left field | to be unexpected and often strange | |
to be in demand | needed or wanted by amny people | |
to jump to conclusion | dojść do wniosku | |
sb's jaw drops | look very suprised | |
to throw a party | to organize a party | |
to ahve a cruch on | to have a stron feeling bla bla PODODBAC SIE KOMUS | |