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m. in P. + Daria 7-9
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theftthe act of dishonestly taking something which belongs to someone else and keeping it
subtletythe quality of being subtle
coincidencean occasion when two+ similar things happen at the same time, especially in a surprising way
a flukesomething good that has happened that is the result of chance instead of skill or planning
killjoya person who doesn't like other people enjoying themselves
witthe ability to use words in a clever and humorous way
whereaboutsthe place where a person or thing is
a knock-outa very attractive or appealing person
commitmentsth that you must do or deal with that takes your time
simplicitywhen sth is easy to understand or do
knowledgeable (about)knowing a lot
possessivewanting all of someone's attention and love
moronicvery stupid
paramountmore important than anything else
stupifiedconfused or unable to think clearly
antisocialnot wanting to spend time with or be friendly with other people
drawn toattracted to sb
underratednot valued or appreciated enough
hookedenojying sth so much that you are unable to stop watching/doing it
self-effacingnot trying to get attention or praise for yourself or your abilities; modest
insurmountableso great that it cannot be dealt with successfully
enlighteninggiving you more information and understanding of sth
drop-dead gorgeousextremely attractive
lacking innot having enough of sth that is needed or wanted
shallownot caring about or involving serious or important things
forgetablenot important or good enough to be remembered
stunnedvery shocked or surprised
moodyoften unhappy or unfriendly
divineextremely good, pleasant or enjoyable
shottyrue and annoying, use especially to describe people who think they are better than others
taken withliking or enjoying sb/sth
engaged tohaving formally agreed to marry sb
manlyhaving the qualities which people think a man shoul have
infantiletypical of a child and therefore unsuitable for an ault
alluringvery attractive, having a quality that attracts people
brightclever and quick to learn
competitivewanting very much to win or be more successful than other people
die ofto die because of sth
hit it offto like sb and become friendly immediately
scribbleto write or draw sth quickly or carelessly
dress upto put on formal clothes for a special occasion
evaluateto judge or calculate the quality, importance or value of sth
strikeclock does it - its bells ring to show what time it is
gush over/aboutto express a positive feeling, especially praise, in such a strong way that it does not sound sincer
run intoto meet sb by chance
strollto walk slowly, especially for pleasure
pryto try to find out private facts about someone
subsideif a condition does it it means it becomes less strong
pan outto have the end or result that you want
be down onto criticize sb/sth
in a dazein a state in which sb is not able to think/act normally ('cause od shock or injury)
keep track ofto make certain that you know what's happening to someone or sth
dying to doto be extremely eager to do sth
up in the airmatter - uncertain, often because other matters have to be decided firts
take sth to the whole new levelto give a new meaning to sth, make it even bigger, better
not to pull any punchesto speak in an honest way without trying to be kind
come out of left fieldto be completely unexpected and often strange
be in demandneeded or wanted by many people
jump to conclusionto guess the facts about a situation without having enough info
jaw dropswhen sb's ..... they look very surprised
throw a partyto have a party
have a crush onto have a strong feeling of romantic love for sb
TASTE INthe ability to choose what is appealing, attractive, appropriate, or enjoyable
WIMPa person who is not strong, brave or confident;
NOSE JOBa medical operation on your nose to improve its appearance
INSIGHTan understanding of the true nature of something;
STIMULUSsomething that causes something else to happen, develop, or become more active
PROFIT MARGINthe difference between the cost of buying or making something and the price at which it is sold
BUMMERsomething that is unpleasant or disappointing
MUGGINGan act of attacking someone and stealing their money;
DOUBLE STANDARDa situation in which two people, groups, etc., are treated very differently from each other in a way
SCUMa dishonest, unkind, or unpleasant person
LIKELIHOODthe chance that something will happen
FELONYa serious crime (such as murder or rape)
REPEATEDLYmany times
OBSOLETEno longer used because something newer exists
FRAGILEeasily broken or damaged;
DANGLYhanging loosely
PRESENTABLElooking suitable or good enough, especially in the way you are dressed
SHOTin a very bad condition
SUPPORTIVEgiving help or encouragement to someone
FOR ONCEused when something happens that does not usually happen
INSECUREnot confident about yourself or your ability to do things well
DESPICABLEvery bad or unpleasant;
INSENSITIVEnot caring about the feelings of other people;
PATHETICvery bad, poor, weak, etc
SOUNDshowing good judgment
PRIMARYmost important / main
INSINCEREnot expressing or showing true feelings
SCRAGGLYgrowing in a way that is not neat and even
SHALLOWnot caring about serious things = superficial
DATEDold-fashioned or out-of-date
ASTUTEmentally sharp or clever
DECENTadequate or acceptable;
THOUGHT-PROVOKINGcausing people to think seriously about something
REGARDLESS OFwithout being stopped or affected by something;
TO ASSOCIATE withto think of one person or thing when you think of another person or thing;
CHARGEto ask for payment from a customer, client, etc.
STUMBLE UPONto find or learn about something unexpectedly
TRIGGERto cause something to start or happen;
RECALLto remember something from the past
RUB it INto keep reminding someone of something that person would like to forget
FORCE uponto cause someone or something that is not wanted to be accepted by someone
COME ALONGto go somewhere with someone
will DOto be enough
FETCHto go to another place to get something or someone and bring them back
TOP OFFto end something usually in an exciting or impressive way
SHATTERto damage something very badly
OCCURto happen
ACCOUNT FORto explain the reason for something
PUT UP WITHto allow someone or something unpleasant or annoying to exist or happen
WITHDRAWto stop spending time with other people
GET AROUNDto succeed in avoiding or solving a problem
ABUSEto treat a person or animal in a harsh or harmful way
UNLEASHto allow or cause something very powerful to happen suddenly
TALK INTOto convince or persuade someone to do something
TO sb's ADVANTAGEgiving someone a greater chance of success
BE IN AGREEMENTto share the same opinion
HAVE sth ON YOUR CONSCIENCEto feel guilty
THROUGH NO FAULT OF my OWNused to say that someone is not responsible for what happened
IN TIMEearly enough
LIFT your SPIRITSto make someone happier
IF MEMORY SERVESif I remember correctly
TURN YOUR STOMACHsomething that _ makes you feel ill or uncomfortable usually because it is of offensive or disgustin
WHAT BRINGS YOU HEREWhat can I do for you? How can I help?
HANG IN THEREa way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties
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