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gimnazjum - środki językowe: tłumaczenie fragmentów zdań - exam
autor: sally75
dodaj do moich zestawów
I always do my homework in my bedroom.(Zawsze odrabiam) my homework in my bedroom.
It's OK. The train hasn't left yet.It's OK. The train (jeszcze nie odjechał).
What should I do about my annoying brother?(Co powinienem zrobić) about my annoying brother?
I switched on my computer to read my new emails.I switched on my computer (aby przeczytać nowe) emails.
We live on the fourth floor of a block of flats.We live (na czwartym piętrze) of a block of flats.
My brother loves singing in the shower.(Mój brat uwielbia śpiewać) in the shower.
I haven't got a coat because the sun was shining when I left home.I haven't got a coat because (świeciło słońce) when I left home.
Do we have to pay for these tickets?(Czy musimy zapłacić) for these tickets?
I can't concentrate because it's too loud in here.I can't concentrate because (jest za głośno) in here.
She hasn't seen anybody here since Friday.(Ona nie widziała nikogo) here since Friday.
My mother doesn't like my clothes.(Mojej mamie nie podobają się) my clothes.
I want to look for a summer job this year.(Chcę poszukać) a summer job this year.
Tomorrow I'll go for a walk if it doesn't rain.Tomorrow I'll go for a walk (jeśli nie będzie padało).
CDs from online shops are much cheaper than from shops in the town centre.CDs from online shops (są dużo tańsze niż) from shops in the town centre.
These photos were taken in Andalusia.These photos (zostały zrobione) in Andalusia.
We are never bored at school.(Nigdy nie jesteśmy) bored at school.
Have you decided what to wear to the party yet?(Czy zdecydowałeś) what to wear to the party yet?
You should enter the competition - maybe you win.You should enter the competition - (być może wygrasz).
This essay isn't long enough.This essay (nie jest wystarczająco długi).
In the summer I'm going to work at an animal shelter.In the summer (zamierzam pracować) at an animal shelter.
My sister hates getting up early.My sister (nienawidzi wstawać) early.
I was embarrassed because I was dressed in jeans and everyone else had suits and ties on.I was embarrassed because (byłem ubrany w) jeans and everyone else had suits and ties on.
You're lucky that you don't have to go to bed early.You're lucky that (nie musisz iść) to bed early.
These T-shirts are so cheap!These T-shirts (są takie tanie)!
Come on. Stop looking at yourself in the mirror and hurry up.Come on. Stop (patrzeć na siebie) in the mirror and hurry up.
What were you doing yesterday at 7 p.m.?(Co robiłaś) yesterday at 7 p.m.?
What time are you meeting John this afternoon?What time (spotykasz się) John this afternoon?
There weren't many people at the concert.(Nie było dużo) people at the concert.
I'm good at skiing but I'm not as good as my brother.I'm good at skiing but I'm (nie tak dobry jak) my brother.
That's my bag, not yours.That's my (torba, nie twoja).
If Mark doesn't arrive soon, we'll go without him.(Jeśli Mark nie przyjedzie) soon, we'll go witout him.
I fell off my bike while I was cycling to school.I fell off my bike while (jechałam rowerem) to school.
My brother never watches reality shows on TV.My brother (nigdy nie ogląda) reality shows on TV.
Would you like to borrow my camera for your school trip?(Czy chciałbyś pożyczyć) my camera for your school trip?
I really like the DJ whose programme is on the Radio 1 at 8 p.m.I really like the DJ (którego program jest) on Radio 1 at 8 p.m.
Everybody likes our little cat.(Wszyscy lubią) our little cat.
My students almost never pay attention in class.My students (prawie w ogóle) pay attention in class.
Why were you absent last Friday?Why (byłeś nieobecny) last Friday?
I always take notes during the classes.I always (robię notatki) during the classes.
We use dictionaries very often during English classes.We (korzystamy ze słowników) very often during English classes.
I'll be teaching you Maths this year.I'll be teaching you Maths (w tym roku).
We've got too little milk.We've got (za mało mleka).
Would you like something to drink?Would you like (coś do picia)?
There is some cottage cheese on the table.(Jest trochę) cottage cheese on the table.
How many ingredients do we need?(Ile składników) do we need?
There should be a few olives in the jar.There should be (kilka) olives in the jar.
Could you tell me where I can find bread?Could you tell me where (mogę znaleźć) bread?
Excuse me, can I leave this bag at the checkout?Excuse me, (czy mogę zostawić) this bag at the checkout?
Do you know how much is it?Do you know (ile to kosztuje)?
Our newest model costs less than you think.Our newest model (kosztuje mniej niż) you think.
I am wondering if these apples are discounted.I am wondering (czy te jabłka są) discounted.
I go jogging to be in good shape.I go jogging (żeby być) in good shape.
The footballer was thirty-five years old when he stopped playing.The footballer (miał trzydzieści pięć lat) when he stopped playing.
He said he is happy because of our victory.He said he (jest szczęśliwy) because of our victory.
Last time there were more teams in the World Championships.Last time (było więcej drużyn) in the World Championships.
We haven't lost any match yet.We (nie przegraliśmy) any match yet.
He was the first astronomer who discovered planets outside of the Solar System.He was the (pierwszym astronomem, który odkrył) planets outside of the Solar System.
His theory of relativity is probably the most important scientific theory of the 20th century.His theory of relativity is probably (najważniejszą teorią naukową) of the 20th century.
She is famous for discovering two new chemical elements.She is famous (z odkrycia dwóch) new chemical elements.
He was the first scientist since ancient times to claim the Earth revolved around the Sun.He was the (pierwszym naukowcem od) ancient times to claim the Earth revolved around the Sun.
Her X-ray images helped to discover the structure of DNA.Her X-ray images (pomogły odkryć) the structure of DNA.
A good kennel will be able to protect your dog from the weather.A good kennel (będzie mógł) protect your dog from the weather.
If she wanted to transport her pet by plane, she'd have to use a well-ventilated travel carrier.(Gdyby chciała) to transport her pet by plane, she'd have to use a well-ventilated travel carrier.
Before buying a collar, you should measure your pet's neck.(Przed kupnem) a collar, you should measure your pet's neck.
Make sure that your pet's food and water bowls are always clean.(Upewnij się) that your pet's food and water bowls are always clean.
The kidnapper stopped calling the victim's family.The kidnapper (przestał dzwonić) the victim's family.
We were thinking of emigrating because of the economical situation.We (zastanawialiśmy się nad wyemigrowaniem) because of the economical situation.
I'm afraid this was bought on the black market.I'm afraid this (zostało kupione) on the black market.
The civil war has just finished and there's peace again.The civil war (właśnie się skończyła) and there's peace again.
I had a feeling that they tolerate racism.I had a feeling (że oni tolerują) racism.
Madame Tussauds is a museum in London which is famous for having wax models of well-known people.Madame Tussauds is a museum in London which is (słynny z) having wax models of well-known people.
Stonehenge is located in the South of England.Stonehenge is located (na południu) of England.
The British Prime Minister lives at 10, Downing Street, doesn't he?The British Prime Minister lives at 10, Downing Street, (czyż nie)?
Cricket is popular among people from the Commonwealth countries.Cricket is (popularny wśród) people from the Commonwealth countries.
Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is the highest mountain in the British Isles.Ben Nevis, in Scotland, is (najwyższą) mountain in the British Isles.
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