landowner | właściciel ziemski | |
poverty | bieda | |
monastery | klasztor | |
blight | curse (klątwa) | |
abolished | liquidated (zniesiony) | |
prosperous | well- developing | |
mercenary | najemnik | |
autonomy | independence | |
crop | harvest (zbiór, plon) | |
burial | interment (pochówek) | |
strife | conflict | |
conquered | decisively defeated in combat | |
loom | approach/appear | |
suspended | hanged/ cancelled | |
settlement | agreement | |
hunter- gatherers | myśliwi, łowcy | |
widespread | prevalent (rozpowszechniony) | |
mound | kopiec | |
outlook | perspective | |
to tip | change the decision | |
descendant | an offspring (potomek) | |
ancestor | forefather (przodek) | |
artisan | rzemieślnik | |
monk | mnich | |
relative | względny | |
submit | podlegać | |
strike | strajk | |
decline | decrease (spadek) | |
unite | jednoczyć | |
restore | przywracać | |
unrest | niepokój | |
attained | uzyskany | |
boom | rozkwit | |
secede | separate (odłączać) |