wordki.pl - nauka słówek
autor: tysiek
state-of-the-artthe most advanced, the most developed
in the forefrontthe most important, forward position
no strings attachedwith no special conditions, restrictions
a sniffy attitudearrogant, contemptuous
dina confusing, loud, continuing noise
to turn up one's nose at sthto treat sth with contempt
runner-uphaving the second position in a competition
to earn, win one's spursto achieve fame, appreciation of others
to engender sthto be the cause of sth
disgruntledresentful about sth
swelteringuncomfortably hot
to overlook sthto fail to notice/ to have a view
a leg up for sthsth that helps, influences sth
to burnishto polish sth to make it glossy
burnishersth that you use to make sth more attractive
a growing body of stha growing amount of sth
rationalea fundamental reason for sth
to bolsterto strenghten, to reinforce
to stashto gather and keep in a safe place
a stasha place where sth is hidden
mental acuitythe sharpness of one's mind
underwaycommenced, started, in progress
perksadvantages of sth
under one's belthaving achieved, learned sth
the rule of thumbrough, practical, sth used to achieve, assess sth