wordki.pl - nauka słówek
marzec 2
autor: tysiek
stark contrastclearly visible contrast
an influxa great number of people appeared suddenly
expatriatea person that lives outside his country
sprawlingwidespread, untidy
to sprawlto widespread
to send sb sprawlingto make sb lie on the ground
to discloseto make sth appeared
hideawaya place to hide
ubiquitouspresent almost everywhere
the ebb and flowthe fluctuation
revenueincome, usually from taxes
a smash hitsth that is suddenly very successful
a smashera very attractive person
spousehusband/ wife
kinclose relative
helpingsportions of food
to come acrossto find sth unexpectedly
to give overto devote to
to creepto move by crawling
to inflictto cause sb to suffer from sth/ to force sb to accept you
swarmsof birds
shoalsof fish
to spurnto refuce contemptuously
to wrinkleto frown
to take onto undertake