wordki.pl - nauka słówek
marzec 3
autor: tysiek
elocutionan art of speaking clearly
to enfeebleto make sth weaker
deferenceappreciation, great respect
to evolveto develop and change into sth
egalitariana person who believe in equality
a reprisea passage repeated many times
to diluteto make sth thinner by adding liquid
to slurto speak carelessly
to get awayto escape punishment
pitchthe highest point
to lavishto give generously
lavishplentiful, abundant
laypersona person that doesn't have special knowledge of sth
mediocresecond rate, not very good
inexorablecontinuing unstoppably, relentless
assortedof different kinds
thornsmetaph. problems, difficulties
to mortifyto cause sb to be ashamed, confused
inasmuch assince, because, to the extent that
to cointo invent a new word
to have a good command ofto have the ability to use a language properly