wordki.pl - nauka słówek
marzec kartka z re
autor: tysiek
recessiona period of reduced trade
recklessshowing a lack of care about danger
to reprimendto scold sb oficially
refugea place that provides protection
to remunerateto reward
resolutiona decision to stop doing sth
to reverberateto echo
rebatean amount of money which is paid back to you because you've paid more tax
to recedeto move or slope backwards
to recuperateto get well again after an illness
to reimburse sb for sthto pay sb back money he's spent
resilientable to recover quickly from unpleasant or damaging events
to rebuketo speak severely to sb because he's done sth you don't approve of
recipienta person who receives sth
recrutesb who has recently joined an army
to repuseto prove sb to be mistaken
retorta quick, rude answer
to recapitulateto repeat the chief points of sth that has been said
redundantdismissed by the employer
to repudiatenot to accept/ to say that you don't have anything to do with sth
to reciprocateto have the same feelings about sb as he has
receptaclea container for keeping things in
refraina part of song that is repeated
recessa period of holiday between a sessions of work