assembly | There is a daily (apel) in our school. It is an important time when the whole school comes together. |
assembly hall | Between these blocks there are administrative offices and a large (aula). |
canteen | Our school has a large (stołówka). |
caretaker | Is there a (woźny) in your school? |
classroom | We can't stay in the (klasa) when we have a break. |
cleaners | There are five (sprzątaczki) in our school. |
corridor | We can't run in the (korytarz). |
curriculum | There are 5 diffrent schools in the building. Each school has its (program nauczania). |
dance | Every Saturday we have a school (zabawa). |
detention | (zostanie po lekcjach) is a type of school punishment in which a student must stay back after school |
educational | I don't like watching (edukacyjny) programmes on TV. |
essay | We write an (wypracowanie) every week. |
examination | At the end of the school there is an important (egzamin). |
head teacher's office | It isn't usually nice to go to the (gabinet dyrektora) |
language | What (językiem) do they speak in Brazil? |
library | There is a big (biblioteka) in our school but I don't go there very often. |
punishment | Listening to classical music in not a (kara) for me. Actually, I love it. |
revise | It's a good idea to (powtórzyć) before a test. |
revision | Before a test we usually have a (powtórzenie) lesson. |
rule | Would you like to (rządzić) in your school? |
skill | Understanding songs is a difficult (umiejętność). |
staff room | I hate going to the (pokój nauczycielski). |
uniforms | We don't wear (mundurków) in our school. |