(for) donkey's years | a long time | |
bury the hatchet | to forget old quarrels | |
the apple of sb's eyes | sb one is most fond of | |
the black sheep of the family | a person strongly dissaproved of by members of family | |
play hard to get | to pretend one is not interested in sb | |
putty in sb hands | easily controlled or manipulated | |
drive sb round the bend | to annoy sb a lot | |
tie the knot | to get married | |
blood is thicker than water | blood ties or family relationships are the strongest | |
an old flame | sb one was once in love with | |
stole her heart | to make sb fall in love with one | |
the man of her dreams | the ideal man | |
head over heels in love | very much in love with sb | |
break sb heart | to cause sb great unhappiness | |
a change of heart | a change of one's feelings for sth/sb | |
wear one's heart on one's sleeve | to allow one's feelings to be too obvious | |
see eye to eye | to agree(about matters) | |
all is fair in love and war | something that you say which means behaviour that is unpleasant or not fair is acceptable during an | |
in clover | in comfort/wealth | |
(is) the bee's knees | to be the best there is (pępek świata) | |
give one's the boot | to fire sb from the job | |
a lame duck | a person/comapny that is a weak/failure | |
feel the pinch | to suffer because of lack of money | |
in the red | in debt | |
hit the rock bottom | to reach the lowest point | |
in the black | in credit/ making profit | |
play with fire | to take dangerous risk | |
step into one's shoes | to replace sb | |
a firm hand | control and discipline | |
pay dividends | to bring advantages at a later date | |
a small fortune | a lot of money | |
meant business | to be serious about what one says/intends | |
get off the ground | to start a buisness/company/project | |
bear fruit | to produce good results | |
live on a shoestring | to live on a smaller budget | |
burn the midnight oil | to work very late at night to achieve sth | |
be rolling in it | to be rich | |
keep my head above water | to survive despite financial problems | |
money down the drain | money wasted | |
tight one's belt | to manage with very little money | |