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womarek 12 - Education: debates and issues
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
equality of opportunitywhen everyone has the same chances
selective schoollingwhen pupils take exams for entry
comprehensive schoolingwhen everyone enters without exams
schoolingeducation received at school
elitismwhen a small, privilaged group is favoured
inherent inexisting as a basic part of sth
league tableslists of schools or colleges from the best down to the worst
to perpetuateto make sth continue forever
two-tier systema system with two separate levels, one of which is better that the other
to perceiveto see, consider
well-endowedreceiving a lot of money in grants, gifts from ruch people etc.
less well-offpoorer
to excelto achieve an excellent standard
the three Rsreading,writing,arithmetic - the tradicional, basic skills
literacythe ability to read
numeracythe ability to count, do basic maths
cirriculum reformchanges to the educational programme
agesifelong/continuing educationeducation for all
mature studentsadult students older than the average student
special needs educationeducation for children who cannot learn in the normal way, because they have
one-to-oneone teacher and one pupil, not a group
bullyingfrightening or threatening
supply teacherteacher who works in a school when needed - e.g. sb is sick
PTA - Parent-Teacher associationgroup consisting of teachers and parents who meet regularly
peripatetic teacherteacher who works in different schools and travels between them
school governorsgroup which oversees all the business of the school
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