opportunistic | using situations for own benefit | |
methodical | systematic, careful | |
chauvinistic | too patriotic | |
to get carried away | to become to excited and lose control | |
obliging | ready to help | |
gallant | (of men) polite to women | |
superficial | not caring about serious things (powierzchowny) | |
tactless | inclined to say things that upset or offend people | |
sagacious | wise | |
intuitive | understanding instinctively | |
to procrastinate | to delay doing sth | |
diligent | hard-working | |
placid | calm, does not easily become excited or angry | |
plagued by | troubled or distressed by | |
magnetic personality | personality that attracts people | |
self-seeking | wanting to gain advantage for oneself | |
shrewd | having good judgement (trafny, bystry, przenikliwy) | |
plashy | expensive or impressive | |
altruistic | thinking of others rather than onself | |
morose | gloomy | |
sharp-tongued | inclined to speak in a severe and critical way | |
fault-finder | critical person | |
naive | without enough experience of life, trusting too easily | |
downfall | cause of destruction | |
generous, unstinting | szczodry, wspaniałomyślny, hojny (x2) | |
resolute, dogged | zdecydowany, smiały stanowczy -uparty, zawzięty, wyrtwały (positive) (x2) | |
thrifty, frugal | gospodarny, oszczędny, zapobiegliwy (positive) (x2) | |
diligent, industrious | pracowity, pilny (x2) | |
extravagant, immoderate | rozrzutny, nadmierny, niepohamowany (negative) (x2) | |
stubborn, mulish | uparty (negative) (x2) | |
stingy, parsimonious | skąpy, chciwy, oszczędny (negative) (x2) | |
shrewd, astute | bystry, przenikliwy, przebiegły (positive) (x2) | |
sober, serious | trzeźwo myślący, sumienny, poważny (positive) (x2) | |
witty, pithy | dowcipny, błyskotliwy - zwięzły, treściwy, dobitny (positive) (x2) | |
tolerant, broad-minded | tolerancyjny, wyrozumiały (positive) (x2) | |
cunny, sly | chytry, przebiegły, sprytny, cwany (negative) (x2) | |
morose, sullen | ponury, posępny (negative) (x2) | |
sharp-tongued, terse | uszczypliwy, zwięzły, lapidarny, dosadny (negative) (x2) | |
unprincipled, unscrupulous | niegodziwy, bez zasad, skrupułów (negative) (x2) | |
altruistic | oposite of selfish | |
diligent | oposite of lazy | |
low-brow | oposite of intellectual (człowiek bez kultury) | |
methodical | oposite of unsystematic | |
morose | oposite of cheerful | |
quick-tempered | oposite of placid | |
thick-skinned | oposite of sensitive | |
stingy | oposite of generous | |
flexible | oposite of stubborn | |
altruism | abstract noun from altruistic | |
diligence | abstract noun from diligent | |
parsimony | abstract noun from parsimonious | |
placidity | abstract noun from placid | |
industry / industriousness | abstract noun from industrious (x2) | |
sagacity | abstract noun from sagacious | |
gallantry | abstract noun from gallant | |
terseness | abstract noun from terse | |
moroseness | abstract noun from morose | |
unscrupulousness / lack of scrupules | abstract noun from unscrupulous (x2) | |
unselfish, selfless | synonim of altruistic (x2) | |
mean, tight-fisted | synonim of parsimonious (x2) | |
hard-working | synonim of diligent | |
calm, easy-going | synonim of placid | |
hard-working | synonim of industrious | |
wise | synonim of sagacious | |
polite, chivalrous (rycerski) | synonim of gallant (x2) | |
abrupt, brusque (szorstki, obcesowy) | synonim of terse (x2) | |
gloomy, miserable | synonim of morose | |
dishonest | synonim of unscrupulous | |