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womarek 13 - talking about yourself
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
opportunisticusing situations for own benefit
methodicalsystematic, careful
chauvinistictoo patriotic
to get carried awayto become to excited and lose control
obligingready to help
gallant(of men) polite to women
superficialnot caring about serious things (powierzchowny)
tactlessinclined to say things that upset or offend people
intuitiveunderstanding instinctively
to procrastinateto delay doing sth
placidcalm, does not easily become excited or angry
plagued bytroubled or distressed by
magnetic personalitypersonality that attracts people
self-seekingwanting to gain advantage for oneself
shrewdhaving good judgement (trafny, bystry, przenikliwy)
plashyexpensive or impressive
altruisticthinking of others rather than onself
sharp-tonguedinclined to speak in a severe and critical way
fault-findercritical person
naivewithout enough experience of life, trusting too easily
downfallcause of destruction
generous, unstintingszczodry, wspaniałomyślny, hojny (x2)
resolute, doggedzdecydowany, smiały stanowczy -uparty, zawzięty, wyrtwały (positive) (x2)
thrifty, frugalgospodarny, oszczędny, zapobiegliwy (positive) (x2)
diligent, industriouspracowity, pilny (x2)
extravagant, immoderaterozrzutny, nadmierny, niepohamowany (negative) (x2)
stubborn, mulishuparty (negative) (x2)
stingy, parsimoniousskąpy, chciwy, oszczędny (negative) (x2)
shrewd, astutebystry, przenikliwy, przebiegły (positive) (x2)
sober, serioustrzeźwo myślący, sumienny, poważny (positive) (x2)
witty, pithydowcipny, błyskotliwy - zwięzły, treściwy, dobitny (positive) (x2)
tolerant, broad-mindedtolerancyjny, wyrozumiały (positive) (x2)
cunny, slychytry, przebiegły, sprytny, cwany (negative) (x2)
morose, sullenponury, posępny (negative) (x2)
sharp-tongued, terseuszczypliwy, zwięzły, lapidarny, dosadny (negative) (x2)
unprincipled, unscrupulousniegodziwy, bez zasad, skrupułów (negative) (x2)
altruisticoposite of selfish
diligentoposite of lazy
low-browoposite of intellectual (człowiek bez kultury)
methodicaloposite of unsystematic
moroseoposite of cheerful
quick-temperedoposite of placid
thick-skinnedoposite of sensitive
stingyoposite of generous
flexibleoposite of stubborn
altruismabstract noun from altruistic
diligenceabstract noun from diligent
parsimonyabstract noun from parsimonious
placidityabstract noun from placid
industry / industriousnessabstract noun from industrious (x2)
sagacityabstract noun from sagacious
gallantryabstract noun from gallant
tersenessabstract noun from terse
morosenessabstract noun from morose
unscrupulousness / lack of scrupulesabstract noun from unscrupulous (x2)
unselfish, selflesssynonim of altruistic (x2)
mean, tight-fistedsynonim of parsimonious (x2)
hard-workingsynonim of diligent
calm, easy-goingsynonim of placid
hard-workingsynonim of industrious
wisesynonim of sagacious
polite, chivalrous (rycerski)synonim of gallant (x2)
abrupt, brusque (szorstki, obcesowy)synonim of terse (x2)
gloomy, miserablesynonim of morose
dishonestsynonim of unscrupulous
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