love at first sight | love began the first moment they saw each other | |
to fall head over heels in love | to fall deeply and madly in love | |
to only have eyes for | to be only attracted to | |
platonic relationship | affectionate relationship between people of the opposite sex that is no sexual | |
to be infatuated with | be romantically obsessed with | |
to be besotted with | to be almost stupidly or blindly in lobe with | |
to hit it off | to like each other the moment you meet | |
soulmates | people who feel close to each other in spirit and who understand each other deeply | |
lifelong companion | friend who was with you all your life | |
a man/woman after one's own heart | sb tou admire because they do or think the same as you | |
to get on like a house on fire | to have a very good, enjoyable relationship | |
to be bosom friends/buddies/pals | to be very close, good friends | |
to be inseparable | always want to be together, very close | |
a close bond between A&B | a close relationship or feeling of togetherness between A&B | |
kindred spirits | people similar to each other in the way they think and look at life | |
well-matched couple | perfect couple | |
family ties | więzy rodzinne | |
affectionate, uczuciowy/czuły | affection (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
amiable, uprzejmy | amiability (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
considerate, troskliwy/delikatny | consideration (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
faithful, wierny | faithfulness (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
fond, czuły/kochający | fondness (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
loyal, lojalny | loyalty (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
passionate, namiętny | passion (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
devoted, oddany | devotion (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
respectful, pełen szacunku | respect (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
romantic, romantyczny | romance (przymiotnik, znaczenie) | |
supportive, pomocny | support | |
trusting (ufny) / trustworthy (godny zaufania) | trust | |
to | be devoted... (which preposition?) | |
for | to have respect... (which preposition?) | |
to | to be loyal... (which preposition?) | |
of | to be supportive... (which preposition?) | |
of | to be fond... (which preposition?) | |
in | to put trust... (which preposition?) | |