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womarek 15 - relationships: problems
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
casual acquaintanceperson you know, but not very well
colleagueswspółpracownicy (koledzy z pracy)
alliescountrues which fight on the same side (sojusznicy, sprzymierzeńcy)
partnerspartnerzy (w pracy)
true friendsprawdziwi przyjaciele
to speek behind one's backto say bad things about us when we are ot there
loyaltysupport for us in good and bad times
disloyalopposite of loyal
unsupportive, criticalopposite of supportive (x2)
dishonestopposite of honest
untruthfulopposite of truthful
business partnerspeople who own the same business
bitter rivalspeople in competition with each other in an aggressive and negative way
todisloyal... (which preposition?)
ofcritical... (which preposition?)
withdishonest... (which preposition?)
scrupulously... honest (collocation) (sumiennie)
complete and unswerving... loyalty (collocation) (całkowita i bezgraniczna)
staunch... ally (collocation) (~oddany)
deeply... critical (collocation) (wnikliwie, dogłębnie)
genuine misunderstandings"rzeczywiste" nieporozumienia
riftserious disagreement that divides people
discorddissagreement and discontent (rozgoryczenie)
we don't see eye to eye on most thingswe have different opinions on most things
to turn sourto become bad
to split upto separate
to have its ups and downsto have a good and bad moments
bumpy relationshiprelationship that is up and down, like a car on a road
broken homepamily split up by divorce
family freudquarrel in family causing bad feelings for many years
unwelcomingopossite of welcoming
discontentedopossite of contented (zadowolony)
cold-hearted / heartlessopossite of warm-hearted
not to see eye to eyeopossite of to share the same opinion
to turn souropossite of to grow stronger
to split upopossite of to get engaged
to break downopossite of to stay firm
to die of a broken heartto die because of sadness resulting from eg. a love affair which te other person ended
to hate sb's gutsto dislike sb intensely (but informal)
to have it in for sbto take advantage of every opportunity to speak badly of sb
to be on bad terms with sbto have a bad relationship with sb
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