casual acquaintance | person you know, but not very well | |
colleagues | współpracownicy (koledzy z pracy) | |
allies | countrues which fight on the same side (sojusznicy, sprzymierzeńcy) | |
partners | partnerzy (w pracy) | |
true friends | prawdziwi przyjaciele | |
to speek behind one's back | to say bad things about us when we are ot there | |
loyalty | support for us in good and bad times | |
disloyal | opposite of loyal | |
unsupportive, critical | opposite of supportive (x2) | |
dishonest | opposite of honest | |
untruthful | opposite of truthful | |
business partners | people who own the same business | |
bitter rivals | people in competition with each other in an aggressive and negative way | |
to | disloyal... (which preposition?) | |
of | critical... (which preposition?) | |
with | dishonest... (which preposition?) | |
scrupulously | ... honest (collocation) (sumiennie) | |
complete and unswerving | ... loyalty (collocation) (całkowita i bezgraniczna) | |
staunch | ... ally (collocation) (~oddany) | |
deeply | ... critical (collocation) (wnikliwie, dogłębnie) | |
genuine misunderstandings | "rzeczywiste" nieporozumienia | |
rift | serious disagreement that divides people | |
discord | dissagreement and discontent (rozgoryczenie) | |
we don't see eye to eye on most things | we have different opinions on most things | |
to turn sour | to become bad | |
to split up | to separate | |
to have its ups and downs | to have a good and bad moments | |
bumpy relationship | relationship that is up and down, like a car on a road | |
broken home | pamily split up by divorce | |
family freud | quarrel in family causing bad feelings for many years | |
unwelcoming | opossite of welcoming | |
discontented | opossite of contented (zadowolony) | |
cold-hearted / heartless | opossite of warm-hearted | |
not to see eye to eye | opossite of to share the same opinion | |
to turn sour | opossite of to grow stronger | |
to split up | opossite of to get engaged | |
to break down | opossite of to stay firm | |
to die of a broken heart | to die because of sadness resulting from eg. a love affair which te other person ended | |
to hate sb's guts | to dislike sb intensely (but informal) | |
to have it in for sb | to take advantage of every opportunity to speak badly of sb | |
to be on bad terms with sb | to have a bad relationship with sb | |