to crave / to have a craving for | łaknąć / mieć ogromną ochotę na (usually with food) | |
hanker after / have a hankering for | marzyć o czymś (czego nie można mieć) | |
thirst / have a thirst for (lub hunger for) | potrzeba / pragnienie (wiedzy) | |
to yearn to do/ yearn for/ have a yearning for | chcieć czegoś, czego się nie ma, i często nigdy nie będzie się mogło mieć | |
to covet / to be coveted | chcieć coś bardzo posiadać / być pożądanym (eg. Olimpic gold) | |
to defuse | to make a dangerous or tense situation calmer (eg. ... the tension) | |
to placate | to stop someone feeling angry | |
to conciliate | to end a disagreement between two people or groups by acting in a friendly way towards both sides | |
to appease | to end a dissagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding (rather negati) | |
implacable | nieprzejednany, nieubłagany (od placate) | |
to rejoice at | to be extremely happy about | |
exultant (to be in exultant mood) | feeling great pleasure and happiness, usually because of success (przepełniony radością) | |
jubilant | expressing great happiness especially at a victory | |
rapture, rapturous | extreme pleasure or happiness (plus adjective) | |
bliss, blissful | perfect happiness | |
happy, ignorant, unaware | blisfully colocates strongly with... (x3) | |
to be full of the joys of spring | very happy - collocation - to be full of ... | |
to be thrilled to bits at the news | very happy - collocation - to be .... at the news | |
to feel on top of the world | very happy - collocation - to feel ... | |
to be floating/walking on air | very happy - collocation - unosić się w powietrzu | |
to be over the moon | very happy - collocation - to be over ... | |
covetously | adverb from covet (chciwie, pożądliwie) | |
rapturously | adverb from rapture (entuzjastycznie) | |
conciliatory | ugodowy (od conciliate) | |
placatory | pojednawczy (od placate) | |
jubilation | świętowanie, triumfowanie (od jubilant) | |
to feel pity for | czuć współczucie/litość dla | |