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womarek 16 - reactions and emotions
autor: Aguus1988
dodaj do moich zestawów
to crave / to have a craving forłaknąć / mieć ogromną ochotę na (usually with food)
hanker after / have a hankering formarzyć o czymś (czego nie można mieć)
thirst / have a thirst for (lub hunger for)potrzeba / pragnienie (wiedzy)
to yearn to do/ yearn for/ have a yearning forchcieć czegoś, czego się nie ma, i często nigdy nie będzie się mogło mieć
to covet / to be covetedchcieć coś bardzo posiadać / być pożądanym (eg. Olimpic gold)
to defuseto make a dangerous or tense situation calmer (eg. ... the tension)
to placateto stop someone feeling angry
to conciliateto end a disagreement between two people or groups by acting in a friendly way towards both sides
to appeaseto end a dissagreement by giving the other side an advantage that they are demanding (rather negati)
implacablenieprzejednany, nieubłagany (od placate)
to rejoice atto be extremely happy about
exultant (to be in exultant mood)feeling great pleasure and happiness, usually because of success (przepełniony radością)
jubilantexpressing great happiness especially at a victory
rapture, rapturousextreme pleasure or happiness (plus adjective)
bliss, blissfulperfect happiness
happy, ignorant, unawareblisfully colocates strongly with... (x3)
to be full of the joys of springvery happy - collocation - to be full of ...
to be thrilled to bits at the newsvery happy - collocation - to be .... at the news
to feel on top of the worldvery happy - collocation - to feel ...
to be floating/walking on airvery happy - collocation - unosić się w powietrzu
to be over the moonvery happy - collocation - to be over ...
covetouslyadverb from covet (chciwie, pożądliwie)
rapturouslyadverb from rapture (entuzjastycznie)
conciliatoryugodowy (od conciliate)
placatorypojednawczy (od placate)
jubilationświętowanie, triumfowanie (od jubilant)
to feel pity forczuć współczucie/litość dla
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